Australia's Tour of India - 7 ODI's

5AM start for me tomorrow. I will sleep for 5-6 hrs and be ready to watch the whole game in the morning. Yuvraj coming back, India back to 99.9% strength (barring Zak), Australia missing two players (one very key player in Lee).
5AM start for me tomorrow. I will sleep for 5-6 hrs and be ready to watch the whole game in the morning. Yuvraj coming back, India back to 99.9% strength (barring Zak), Australia missing two players (one very key player in Lee).

You in the east cost too? I got a stupid exam tomorrow, but will catch the game from 9:30am onwards till the end. :D
Should be called AACF (Anti-Australian cricket fans).
I am sure you would get more members in it that way, who here supports India anyway? ;)

Spot on mate ... I belive you must have had a visit there?

If you want to post there it should be praising india or else prepare to be banned.:facepalm

Punter isn't a happy man now



LMAO :rtfl


ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL... I'm sure the Aussies here are gonna hate you for exposing their captain.

And for the record, Ponting has a problem with everyone and everything, be it good or bad, happy or sad. He is a bit of a muppet :p
Tbh it's pretty funny :D

It was funny, now its just outlasted the purpose. The man is gone from the game and as it turns out his decisions weren't the worst in cricket over the last 5 or so years. If he was to come back he would still be better then 90% of these posers.
It was funny, now its just outlasted the purpose. The man is gone from the game and as it turns out his decisions weren't the worst in cricket over the last 5 or so years. If he was to come back he would still be better then 90% of these posers.

Perhaps, Steve Bucknor was my favourite umpire, but even I can admit his standards dropped towards the end of his career. I would love to see him back though.
Perhaps, Steve Bucknor was my favourite umpire, but even I can admit his standards dropped towards the end of his career. I would love to see him back though.

His standards definitely dropped and he should have retired when he 1st said he would but there is no reason to call for the guys head.

They didnt do it in this thread but they did before.
Moises. :laugh

I'm surprised to see they didn't bring over a 28+ year old. :facepalm
Spot on mate ... I belive you must have had a visit there?

If you want to post there it should be praising india or else prepare to be banned

No it's not. i wonder where you got this from, i remember after the sydney test controversy many Indians who were annoyed and flaming etc were banned in a row. it's a normal forum but kinda much free from Mods.

grow up and get over it guys...

That was just a joke, wasn't serious there.

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