Australia's Tour of India - 7 ODI's

Not to defend Failraj Singh but the only thing that Bollinger can own is a jellydonut.

and i thought you'll take any reason to mock yuvraj ! :p ;)

not a fan of him either but bollinger ? even the likes of RP,nehra and irfan pathan are better than him.
heck, even L.Balaji is better than him !
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and i thought you'll take any reason to mock yuvraj ! :p ;)

not a fan of him either but bollinger ? even the likes of RP,nehra and irfan pathan are better than him.
heck, even L.Balaji is better than him !

Nehra I would give hes going well but the others don't have much on him not to mention hes quicker than all of the above.
Nice. Looks like Henriques is going to get another crack at the Aussie' ODi side. He's going to be flown back in India and be put on standby.
Yeah??? Probably thats the reason dhoni is out of form missing his Girl friend ...ZAK :laugh

You've got it wrong. According to some 'trusted circles', its RP Singh.:p:D

saisrini80 added 1 Minutes and 8 Seconds later...

Not to defend Failraj Singh but the only thing that Bollinger can own is a jellydonut.

Well, that in itself is nice to see....:clap

Is Lee not playing the next game? Hope he does, and so does Mitch. We want as close to the full strength Aussie side. Hope the fire is not lost. India would also want it because if we win, we dont want our victory to be undervalued.:p
Is Lee not playing the next game? Hope he does, and so does Mitch. We want as close to the full strength Aussie side. Hope the fire is not lost. India would also want it because if we win, we dont want our victory to be undervalued.

They have both been rested for the 2nd ODI to recover from their injuries. And Hopes is out for 2 matches at least.

Punter isn't a happy man now



LMAO :rtfl

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Punter isn't a happy man now



LMAO :rtfl


Am pretty sure that you got the ponting smiley from ICF!!!

whats your id in there???

thats the most biased and kiddy pro indian forum i have ever seen!!!!
Most of them there dont really know even 20% of cricket yet they behave like genius !!!:sarcasm

braguvaran added 1 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

Johnson will still play, Lee and Hopes is out.

Its not yet 100% sure about that...

Hope He does play even if he is not fit...

He still could own them;)

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