Bat Care, Repair and General Tips

how long would you say i should knock in a woodworm torch grade 1 pre knocked in ?
Start off with about 2/3 hours but keep on checking it by doing the finger nail test. Basically, press your nail into the wood (somewhere near the edge or where it won't be seen so much), if it makes a mark keep on for a bit longer, if the mark is very light or non existent you can move onto using really old balls in the nets.

Remember that no matter how much you knock a bat in you will always get some marks so use your judgement. Also, woodworms tend to be soft so it will probably require 4/5 hours in total (including mallet and net time).
ok will do it for tht long then, i ll break it up into something like 5mins then a break thn do 10mins nd so on until ive done 5 hrs
I'd say do it in 30/45 minute blocks. You don't want to do it all in one go as the wood fibres won't properly knit. Take a few days over it.
ok, i ll do that, a gray nicolls mallet will do the job wont it ?
Will be perfect! Remember to start off with medium force and increase as time goes on. Hit all over the face of the bat (from toe to the sticker), and hit glancing blows to the edges - much the same as when you get an edge batting.
ok will do that, im tempted to just do 10 - 15mins a day of knocking in then use it in the winter nets, not sure though, id rather get it all knocked in in a week or two weeks, what do i do about oiling the bat ? do i do it before i knock it in, or should i do it once ive knocked it in ?
Give it a light coat or two before knocking in (if its natural finish). There is a how to on the first page of this thread.
ok thanks for the advice, im going to recieve the bat on wednesday hopefuly, then im going to oil it first, then knock it in on friday so that the oil can dry, then on friday i ll knock it in for about 30mins then do 30 mins on saturday and sunday then monday and tuesday then i ll take it down to the nets and have light throw downs for a little while
I was at a sports store yesterday, so I had a play around with a few bats. Particularly, the Genesis 10000. Now bats like the Phoenix have those grooves to improve pickup while maintaining maximum profile at the middle, but this bat feels like a feather. It was stunning.
Seeing that AA gave some great tips on how to bowl swing and cutters. Could you provide some tips for batting. I am starting to score some runs, improving my top score every week, but i'd like to be able to score in areas other than behind square. I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to cricket, having only played 9 games, all this season, but feel that i am developing very fast. My bowling is getting better and i just need to get my batting improved so that i can bat up the order in league games, not just academy games. I currently have 2 scoring shots, the turned bat to glance the ball down to third man, and a pretty strong cut shot. I want to be able to hit more shots down the ground and through the covers, and also on the leg side. My bat is the perfect pickup for me and i can manouver it pretty well but could do with some tips. I have nets tonight so wouldnt mind trying some stuff out.

Cheers in advance
Well in order to play a good drive, get your front foot as close to the pitch of the ball as possible. Your front foot knee should be bent a little with your weight going forward. Bat should come down along side the knee with your eye the whole time on the ball. You should play the ball directly under eye level. To play a hook shot move back and across the middle and off stump. Wait for the ball and when you play the shot keep your arms straight. Roll the wrists at the end of the shot to keep the ball down. Tell me if you need more help.
The easy answer is practice and practice hard. A bowling machine comes in handy as you can set it bowl a ball on a set line and length and then just practice the correct shot over and over. You will also need someone who knows what they're doing in order to demonstrate the shot.

The bbc have some good basic information on batting here, they will give you an insight as to what you should be doing. To be honest batting is not my forte but I'll have a look through some coaching manuals I have lying around and see I can find some stuff to get you started.

I think it's also fair to say that some people are just more naturally talented at batting than others and because of that it's vital that you know your own game and stick to the strong points, be it cutting, driving or just holding up an end whilst others go for it.
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BBC are pretty much awesome when it comes to the basic techniques of things like the cover drive, i know ive improved my wicketkeeping because of it (In a past life, or better known as, before i could bowl!) I used to play WK and i was a bit of alright and i play WK atleast twice a year on our home ground for a reason which is too long to explain, but i know that ive become tidier after reading and look at the BBC. No way am i saying its the bible, but it helps ;)

Oh and if you want to see how to smack a ball on the back foot through the covers, find coverage of todays play, and KP's innings, he played the inch perfect shot for the back foot!
I need some help from you AA. Last night i kinda cracked ma new bat in nets where the handle meets the face of the bat on one side... its a crack in that V-shape you know which glues the handle to the face... its not to deep i think it shakes a little bit... any tips on what i can do to fill the crack before it gets too big?

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