Bat Pics for bat making

Wow gr8 work again as always

But i have one problem, the hero honda bat 4gb thats available for download does not appear clear ingame except when u close up on it by the replay mode. And i play the game will all my graphic settings at high and it is working smooth as ever. Will post a pic in a few minutes.

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shrenik007 said:
Why doesnt the hero honda 4gb bat of yours appear properly in game.
Yeah, this was a mip-mapping issue. I was experimenting with bats with variable LOD and realise that it only works when LOD is set to high. Try this one instead


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shrenik007 said:
This ones even worse its all black.
Please post your specs and what settings you use in-game including resolution etc. It works fine for me (have just tested it again) so I'm thinking it must be your card. This pic is from a 1024x768 screenshot (yuk) - you can see it works. I always play at 1600x1200 and the 4GB bats are deliberately large and high-res for people who are graphics whores like me with top-end cards. Sorry it's not working for you but it may just be that your card is not up to handling 32bit textures which are 512x1024. Please bear in mind that the 2GB batpack is 16bit textures at 2565x512.


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Looks like ill have to stick with the 2gb batpack now.
Btw thanks for that as well as even ur bats r thr in that pack.
Burma's Finest said:
Please post your specs and what settings you use in-game including resolution etc. It works fine for me (have just tested it again) so I'm thinking it must be your card. This pic is from a 1024x768 screenshot (yuk) - you can see it works. I always play at 1600x1200 and the 4GB bats are deliberately large and high-res for people who are graphics whores like me with top-end cards. Sorry it's not working for you but it may just be that your card is not up to handling 32bit textures which are 512x1024. Please bear in mind that the 2GB batpack is 16bit textures at 2565x512.
i take it you mean 256x512:p i talked to you a while back on msn about not graphic whore systems are gonna struggle:p but its cool, i can only get 1280x1024 wish could have more:(
Burma's Finest said:
Please bear in mind that the 2GB batpack is 16bit.

its not 16bit. i converted the bats to 24 Bit in the V2 :D
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So, after many hours of work, here is the completed Gunn & Moore Duelist. I will add the sponsor's logo to the back when I find out who the sponsor is.


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Also, havent got an image but Burma may be interested to find out Gerraint Jones has a new one :D All the new bats r coming out today! :p
JamesyJames3 said:
Also, havent got an image but Burma may be interested to find out Gerraint Jones has a new one :D All the new bats r coming out today! :p
Just been watching th highlights on Channel 4. Geraint Jones is still using the Puma Classic 6000. No doubt about that.
barmyarmy said:
How did you find out it was a Duelist so quickly and find a photo or did you make it from scratch?
Once I saw Trescothick was wielding a new bat I sat, glued to the TV, trying to get some close looks at it. I only managed to see one close-up for long enough to read the name 'Duelist'. I could be wrong but I'm reasonably sure that's what it's called. I then found a picture of Trescothick playing a shot on Getty Images and then created the bat from scratch based on the details I could make out. It was a lot of work (6 hours) but Gunn & Moore bats are quite simple and I had a lot of practice with a number of revisions I did for the Maxi, Purist, and Hero (which I'm going to have to re-do because this bat puts them all to shame). I think it's pretty spot-on but I'll correct any flaws that anyone spots. And of course, there is the simple fact that I am a legend! :p

The details which I'm particularly proud of spotting and creating are:

The Blue - Green fade of the border on the front and back stickers.
The silver chevron at the bottom of the sticker.
The extra chevron at the top of the sticker (compared with other G&M bats)
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