Batting and Bowling Practice ON THE SCG!!!! - now in the Cricket Academy

Looking at the comments I feel we don't deserve stuff from BA.. Someone who has taken up full on mode to a cricket game and depth they are creating with this game is incredible..And we are stuck with such comments..

But I hope we get back on track with useful discussion about the game..
Played for about an hour


1. Game animations appear more fluid and thus create a more realistic feel than the previous game
2. I love playing against the spinner where the fluid animations are perfect as if we are walking towards an on drive and then jogging for the run
3. Top edges ( although not yet fully experienced) are relatively more
4. I have not yet been hurried by pace ( 136km/hr followed by a 151km/hr yorker)
5. The ability or the option of bowling a full toss as a different button is a great idea ( There are far too many of them by spinners)
6. I was trying to get a good 360 degree shot circle but noticed there are a few areas where the ball is never directed ( x360 controller issue?). Eg: I could never have a on drive go towards the cow corner, it always ends up towards long on
7. I hardly care about improvement of graphics so no comments there
8. Women crickets, deeper career mode, stadium creator is legendary stuff from BA.
9. Swing, i think is now well controlled than the last time where at time i found it exaggerated
10. Havent tried bowling a lot, but will try it out and get back soon with some feedback

Help- I am unable to get the advance shots/ batsmen standing out of is crease. I assume you need to press the right analog stick behind twice to trigger it?
I think licensed stadiums are really important - this is great news. For me SCG, Lords and MCG are THE venues for Cricket - hoping the other 2 are in as well! :)

EDIT - Oh, and Wormsley, just for sheer simple beauty: Welcome to Wormsley
its a twisted joke mate

From a twisted mind :p

i'll give this graphics issue debate

The only issue here is your system, just update it, if you cant dont complain

The minimum requirement of the game hasnt been published yet, so just because the game starts on your laptop doesnt mean it has to be supported!

just because i can run GTA V on a p4 at 640*480 resolution doesn't mean the game' lowest settings is bad looking and it is an issue that rockstar has to fix!

plus even blc99 loooked better than stick cricket, so if you are going to compare atleast be realistic!
my point is that, this game still looks poor playing on high settings on 1080p

And you freaking fail to understand is this is just the beta version. Not sure what's your problem. Honestly, if you are not satisfied just don't play the game. DBC will survive without your silly issues.
Because of your graphics card, which you said was poor! Bloody hell!

To keep this on topic, the updated stand looks spot on. Keen to see the impact of dynamic lighting.
Any update came today?
Because of your graphics card, which you said was poor! Bloody hell!

To keep this on topic, the updated stand looks spot on. Keen to see the impact of dynamic lighting.

I only have a GTX 650 oc 1GB
8GB ram
i3 550 3.20GHZ
I only have a GTX 650 oc 1GB
8GB ram
i3 550 3.20GHZ
That is not really a system you should expect good performance out of new games at highest settings with much anti aliasing on... That card is not much better than the consoles really, if at all.

I didn't totally disagree with everything you said - I agreed that we could do with some more AA... But the way you're expressing yourself is just rude and ungrateful. Saying it looks "poor" achieves nothing, it's nondescript and is just an insult towards BA's work.

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