Batting in career mode is a serious issue

Mine smells of ducks and pears (sic.).
That's only the reaction time when you have to do 1 thing very simple thing - click a button to react to a change in colour.
To bat you need to react to the line, length and ensure you remember where not to play the ball. You have to process more information and then react to it - it's completely different to whatever number that test gives you.

ya ofcourse, just putting it as reference:) also we know what to expect in that test etc, the avg is around 230ms i think for people for a single reaction.


I play the front foot pull a lot but mine usually go square or behind vs pace and midwicket vs medium.

for me its exact opposite for quicks it goes around midwicket region and for medium dollies it goes to around square or behind, though im trying on veteran, i think its timing and foot work that's having effect on the shot direction.

Also after reading someone here, i tried playing on the back foot to just see how it goes, have to say i was surprised by the results, its not necessarily better than front foot, but seems as good as front foot playing contrary to my earlier beliefs, also upper cut and cuts or easier to play when you are on back-foot also you get a fraction of time extra against quicks, i think as it was easier to time shots, esp if you also to a guard deep in the crease. also you are able to dig in the full ones.
Oh god, anyone else on the point of giving in? I like playing tests, but christ its just so so hard. It just seems to me the odds are completely stacked against you when in bat. alright against the smaller nations but the likes of India, Australia? forget it. Im only playing on pro which as I understand is 'medium' but I have only batted all day once in a test since the game was released.

Surely im not the only one, I cant react in that space of time with the quicks and as for batting against a decent spinner its like boycotts hand grenades. IVe tried blocking as much as I can which seems just a way of getting out for less runs!

Its a great game but im struggling, seems to me more setup for 20/20 / 1 day than tests. Anyone else just finding it too tough? happy to accept my own culpability im 45 and the reactions arent the same but im trying really I am but ultimately starting to just get frustrated each time im playing it.
Just did a reaction test and I got an average of 250 and a best of 220! Guess thats why Im not struggling against quicks!
Just did a reaction test and I got an average of 250 and a best of 220! Guess thats why Im not struggling against quicks!

My best was 234 with an average of 264 msec :( And that's just you pressing a button without thinking or making any sort of decisions. Now when you add things like judging line & length, and also the lag related to wifi/bluetooth/network and signal processing (on smart TVs) the time needed for users to play a non-premeditated shot should be one second or thereabouts.
Same issue. Batting is too damn difficult real batting will be quite easy. For the spinner you can play a bit shots but when the ball is coming fast u cantjudge properly if u have to go for front or back foot and meanwhile placing ur shot. with the fact that u dont know where the ball will land. Balling is good i a getting wickets too but for the batting i am getting out with scoring max 10, mostly i get out with the first ball that i play wrong and it goes directly to keeper for a catch. Or miraculous i hit a ball it will go as a catch to some fielder. This might be the best cricket game but as far as batting goes it is most difficult and unplayable.

Getting tired of this game :mad
My best was 234 with an average of 264 msec And that's just you pressing a button without thinking or making any sort of decisions. Now when you add things like judging line & length, and also the lag related to wifi/bluetooth/network and signal processing (on smart TVs) the time needed for users to play a non-premeditated shot should be one second or thereabouts.
the real time reaction of 150 km/h delivery would be around 0.48 sec,
There you have full 3 d depth as well as like you say no latency.

Now before we can compare them any idea of what is the real speed of a 150 km/h delivery in game?
As I mentioned earlier, the elephant in the room in terms of reaction time is how long it takes to deliver the bat once you've made the shot input.

The pace deliveries take about .7 to reach the bat (not 22 yards) from the deliveries I've timed, but it seems to take .4 after you've hit the right stick to deliver your bat for ideal timing on no-trigger drives in legend mode.

On a frame by frame analysis of some drives in legend mode I reckon you have to make the shot input somewhere between .2 and .25 to get ideal timing.
As I mentioned earlier, the elephant in the room in terms of reaction time is how long it takes to deliver the bat once you've made the shot input.

The pace deliveries take about .7 to reach the bat (not 22 yards) from the deliveries I've timed, but it seems to take .4 after you've hit the right stick to deliver your bat for ideal timing on no-trigger drives in legend mode.

On a frame by frame analysis of some drives in legend mode I reckon you have to make the shot input somewhere between .2 and .25 to get ideal timing.

Against fast bowlers who bowl 140+ in the game, you literally have to play the shot as soon as the bowler lets go of the ball.
I'm timing from the first appearance of the green circle to the right stick hitting the rim on my xbox controller, legend mode.

A practice match fast delivery (130? 135?), good length, left trigger straight drive, right stick movement complete (stick clicks as it hits the rim) at .233, timing "perfect", ball goes for 6.
Since I moved to Pro cam I've noticed a huge improvement in my ability to read the delivery and play an appropriate shot - from struggling to get into double figures in my Veteran career mode I have recently got scores in the 30s and 40s quite regularly since switching to Pro cam.

So to anyone struggling or suggesting they need some sort of marker/assistance so as not to premeditate constantly... Try to get used to the Pro cam, I've found it far better and enjoy the batting experience a lot more.
Since I moved to Pro cam I've noticed a huge improvement in my ability to read the delivery and play an appropriate shot - from struggling to get into double figures in my Veteran career mode I have recently got scores in the 30s and 40s quite regularly since switching to Pro cam.

So to anyone struggling or suggesting they need some sort of marker/assistance so as not to premeditate constantly... Try to get used to the Pro cam, I've found it far better and enjoy the batting experience a lot more.

Absolutely correct! I am playing in ProCAM as well. and the batting seems to more accurate.

The only problem I have while batting is how to keep the pull shot on the ground... which I just cant. Before patch2 it was much more easier, but now most of dismissals are cause of pull shots going in the air and straight to midwicket or square leg.... ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!
the real time reaction of 150 km/h delivery would be around 0.48 sec,
There you have full 3 d depth as well as like you say no latency.

Now before we can compare them any idea of what is the real speed of a 150 km/h delivery in game?

There's more to it than just no latency, and having depth perception.

Someone else on here mentioned the experiment that Tim Noakes did with Peter Kirsten. He was literally unable to hit balls coming out of the old school machines at 130km/hr - and of course was capable of hitting much faster deliveries from actual bowlers.

The suggestion is that the top batsmen get a bunch of cues from the way the bowler runs up, and delivers, the ball.

The speed of a fast bowler's delivery is in the eye of the batsman at the crease | Sport |[DOUBLEPOST=1406385327][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm timing from the first appearance of the green circle to the right stick hitting the rim on my xbox controller, legend mode.

A practice match fast delivery (130? 135?), good length, left trigger straight drive, right stick movement complete (stick clicks as it hits the rim) at .233, timing "perfect", ball goes for 6.

Note that the shot triggers long before the stick hits the rim. You can test this by _not_ hitting the rim, you'll still play a shot.
Note that the shot triggers long before the stick hits the rim. You can test this by _not_ hitting the rim, you'll still play a shot.

Yeah, I know that. That's why I was whacking the stick as hard as I possibly could. I also noted the first appearance of movement in my right thumb at around .13 in the earlier post, but I can't really tie that in as accurately. The stick movement was complete at .233 is the bit I'm sure about.

It's doable more accurately if you record a controller graphic with the video but my pc isn't quick enough.

The suggestion is that the top batsmen get a bunch of cues from the way the bowler runs up, and delivers, the ball.

This is correct, and it's why I've been saying since before the nets came out that a pitch marker is actually the most lifelike hud assist.

When the ball is released, the batsman immediately makes an estimate of the bounce point - and this is quite possibly as much or more about the bowler's body position than "seeing" the ball - and moves his point of visual focus to that vicinity so that he can catch the ball again visually when it bounces (old club players will tell you you watch the ball all the way through the flight and on to the bat, but for quick bowling this is complete bullshit).

You start your footwork and your backlift when you make the bounce point estimate - in fact you might say that there's a codified link between perceiving the bounce point at certain locations and your shot selection, which again is why I'd much prefer a pitch marker to a much more vague flashing circle - and refine your decision as until ball is near enough to you to start your shot, and only then are you completely committed.

This is also why, just as I was convinced that batting facing the correct way around is the only way of handling the batting camera properly, I also think you have to handle footwork and swing separately if you want to really create a truly lifelike batting experience with a reaction window something like your real life reaction window on deliveries at .6 of a sec.
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As far as technique is concerned, i play semi pre meditated shots... I hold the stick on front foot, i hold the button for lofting, then i simply wait for the ball... If its short, i hit it to the leg side (pull) or to third man (cut), if its full i hit it straight or cover, depending on where the gap is... Just judge the length, not the line... However, if the ball is short and on the body, but u decided to cut it, the ball will harmlessly hit your body or leg ( outside leg, so no chance of lbw). Bottomline: U rarely get out if u get the line wrong... Plus added advantage is that, if the ball is good/full length and on the stumps and u accidentally hit a cut/pull shot, your batsman will still play play the shot successfully... As far as timing is concerned, its not that tough, just practice at the nets... Play the spinners late and keep the eye fixed on the ball for quickies (even during run up)... Works for me, hope it does for everyone
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