Batting in career mode is a serious issue

For those having trouble picking up length (that seems more often the trouble rather than line), a suggestion could be if Big Ant implemented the colour of the length appearing around the bowlers hand just prior to delivery (in delivery stride). That slight 0.5 of a second earlier, probably less, could be enough and as the player hits Veteran it could be taken down to just a frame or two and of course it's gone in Legend?
Going back into the career mode, I, once again, could not play without pre-meditation. It totally comes down to the fact that I've surveyed the field, I know where the best gaps are, and regardless of where the ball is going to be delivered, I'm going to be targetting that gap.. mentally I've blocked off all the other options that is forcing me to pre-meditate.

This. So, this. I have lost count of the numerous times that I have tried to smash the ball through mid-off / long-off after AI removes the fielder from that area, only to end up being caught by mid-on / long-on.
For all those struggling, it does get easier. It is more a case of playing around with how you set up for a ball. Initially I would not press any buttons as the ball was about to be bowled. Then I moved onto holding R2 down as they ran up, giving me the option of holding L2 if the ball was in a good position to hit. Now I hold both L2 and R2 as the bowler is about to bowl, giving me the option of keeping them held, or releasing one.

I am still not perfect at batting by any stretch, when I got my one and only 50 in a pro40 match, I was absolutely delighted. I am hitting regular scores in the 20s now, but getting out occasionally to silly shots.

Playing around with how you set up is definitely the way to go.
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And at some point you would get to the lowest division and maintain your place. Big Ant aren't going to just throw up a Game Over screen if you get out too often.

In this edition, that lowest division is the state/county teams - it would be great in future if they added more levels to the career - but you'd still have a low point that you couldn't go below.

Once you make it to a higher level, you can fall back down if your performances are bad, but you can't fall lower than the bottom.

You could even use the existing editing options in the game to pretend there's another level - create 6 local teams and replace the Australian domestic teams with them, and then try to make your way from 'local' cricket to the county tournament.

Obviously the batting order would be one way - but what if you started to bat really well lower down the order - would being promoted back up the order be the right reward for doing well? There would need to be more to it than simply dropping a batsman down the order if they fail and moving them up if they succeed.

For me 'not being considered for national side or other leagues' is a huge consequence for failure - I want to make it to the international stage, seeing the changes in how close I am to that are a huge reward, and seeing them get further away is a big risk.

The problem basically is that the starting difficulty is too high in career mode, leading to string of failures and unrealistically continuing to play in a first class team which is the highest level short of international level.

I basically couldn't get out of single figures today, in spite of trying hard, very hard to concentrate on the timing and foot placement. It's not a question of practice, because in practice mode I'm able to play well in Pro/Veteran mode. But in the actual career, the difficulty suddenly leaps up to very high.

There are simply too many ways to get out in this game, along with frustrating things like the non-avoidable stumpings. All of a sudden the quick bowler bowls a middle stump yorker and I'm basically gone, since the reaction time is negligible. Then I play a perfectly normal shot with a dead straight bat to the spinner and I edge it behind. And the list goes on and on... misjudging the length is basically a recipe to get out in this game along with a host of easy-to-get-out ways/bugs like not moving to the pitch of the ball even when I move the LAS in the direction of the ball.

And in the online what with the continuing online lag making it hard to bat or bowl and other documented bugginess, I'm thinking of putting away this game for a while till Patch#2 comes out.
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Personally whenever I get out its usually to do with getting something wrong in foot placement or shot selection. Or trying to be too aggresive. I dont really think its to do with it being too hard, patience is the key to successful batting in the game just like it is in real life.
Personally I've never been out caught behind due to wrong foot placement and only been caught twice (I think) in my 1 year career due to misjudging it and hitting it straight down long off/ons throat.
Personally whenever I get out its usually to do with getting something wrong in foot placement or shot selection. Or trying to be too aggresive. I dont really think its to do with it being too hard, patience is the key to successful batting in the game just like it is in real life.

Exactly, foot placement is very hard not to premeditate because the reaction time is very small.

I tried the patience game as well. Played a lot of dot balls and defended the good ones. Pushed a few singles whenever the chance came along and then all of a sudden, the bowler bowls a delivery that gets the edge or goes aerial route when playing a normal shot and get caught in the ring.

Even with patience and perseverence, still got out in the single digits, except that I faced more deliveries.

The problem is scoring runs requires a bit of shot making skills. There is no easy way to just push the ball into gaps in this game. I tried the R2 method of slightly depressing the button but that apparently has no effect except dead block.
The problem basically is that the starting difficulty is too high... It's not a question of practice, because in practice mode I'm able to play well in Pro/Veteran mode. But in the actual career, the difficulty suddenly leaps up to very high.

Its definitely a question of practice. The difficulty is no higher on career

The only thing that's worse is the crappy running camera Makes it hard to judge Runs.

Apart from that just practice in competition. Front foot to spin back foot to pace.

I suck at batting but I get 20 + most innings.
Its definitely a question of practice. The difficulty is no higher on career

The only thing that's worse is the crappy running camera Makes it hard to judge Runs.

Apart from that just practice in competition. Front foot to spin back foot to pace.

I suck at batting but I get 20 + most innings.

In practice mode (Pro level), I'm able to see the green/red/yellow indicator when the ball is about to be bowled but the same doesn't happen in the career mode??
In practice mode (Pro level), I'm able to see the green/red/yellow indicator when the ball is about to be bowled but the same doesn't happen in the career mode??

I can't see any difference.
Maybe it is just me, (probably is i really do suck), but i seem to play a front foot.... straight block... and get bowled behind my a fast bowler.. over the wicket.!!!%#$@

The Left analogue stick for foot placement sometimes completely seems to have a mind of its own. Renders R2 useless as if i hadn't attempted a block, at least i would have driven the ball (and no doubt been caught & bowled by superman 7) instead of bowled....

Basically, if i take guard in the preset position, push directly forward with Left analogue, press R2 and press forward on Right analogue to about mid offish, my bloke plants on middle, attempts a block to mid off, but the ball manages to bypass everything and rattle leg stump like i have missed it by 2 metres. Could there be some kind of leeway for holding R2(block) like in previous cricket games where basically as long as you aren't mega late, or it is not way wider than the line you are playing, you will more often than not make contact at least?

i love getting beaten by the bowler outside off or getting bowled if a play a loose shot, but i also like blocking good balls which in this game is not easy. The fact that XP is awarded for playing 3 defensive shots in an over proves they have made it a challenge...shouldnt be this hard IMO
I never block. Yellows get played straight, greens according to their line, reds hooked or cut.

Look at the field and pick two directions that are clear and have those in mind for shot choice

Like I say I'm not good but that's how I do it.
Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather a tough fought 100 in a shield game over a quick fire 100 in a 20/20. For me personally, I like blocking a few that deserve it especially early on.
The main issue people are having with this game is patience. Do we all want to be spanking 100s in our first innings? What would be the point of the 20 year career if we were already an International in the first year. You have to build up slowly.

Batting in this game is like batting in an actual game, if you don't play it on its merit then you may well get out. I am very much at ease when the spinners are on, and find singles quite easy to come by. Unless that ball is in the right zone, and the field positions don't mean that you are likely to be caught, then go ahead and play a big aggressive shot.

I don't buy into the idea that you need to play a back foot shot to every quick bowler. Many of the quicks in this game will have a happy mix of short balls and full balls in an over, so be ready with that stick, and have the R2 and L2 buttons held in preparation.
I personally think blocking is pointless in this game. You're more or less as likely to get out blocking as you are playing a drive/no trigger shot so might as well never do it.

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