Batting loophole?

If you bought a cricket game where it was impossible to get out to a ball on the stumps would you be happy with it? Nobody is moaning we are just highlighting issues which may or may not have been picked up on. My batting isn't that great and if I play 50 straight drives in a row I will edge the ball 3 or 4 times yet with the shot that has been highlighted I haven't once in well over 300 balls faced, that speaks volumes.

The beauty of this forum and Big Ant is that everybody barring a couple of trolls want the same thing. A great representation of a fantastic and often misunderstood sport and for the first time in years I feel completely confident that it is going to happen. 2014 is going to be a good year and cannot wait to be doing battle against the various people on here.

Mate, it was more the stream of comments and whines than the actual original post. I agree feedback is definitely part if the reason bigant use the forum, but if one person notices a bug and posts it there's no need for everyone to get all menstrual about it. It seemed a bit ungrateful is all.
From my experience a lot of Cricket games have had the problem of leg side shots being far more safe than other options. I think I even remember realizing that the best way to deal with 140kph+ yorkers was the sweep shot in one cricket game from the past.

It is a bit depressing to have gone from struggling to block or drive swinging fast and full deliveries to simply leg glancing off the back foot and middling it with ease, hopefully as previous posts have indicated it will not be a problem in the full game.

Leg Spin seems to get more loop and drift but less turn than off spin from what I've played.
Mate, it was more the stream of comments and whines than the actual original post. I agree feedback is definitely part if the reason bigant use the forum, but if one person notices a bug and posts it there's no need for everyone to get all menstrual about it. It seemed a bit ungrateful is all.
It's perfectly reasonable for more people to comment about the same issue, in fact it's for the best because each new person reinforces the views of all of the previous, making the criticism more believable, and hence more likely to be acted upon by Big Ant.

I saw no mindless "whines" or people being "menstrual", just constructive criticism which can only be a good thing if taken the right way. We've all expressed our appreciation for the nets and I'm sure nobody came across to Ross as being ungrateful.
I'd be less than honest if I was to say the game will not have exploits, what I can say is that we have tried thousands of shots in the same positions through the available strokes looking for exploits and are comfortable with the results.

We will certainly patch this game and close exploits as best we can post release.
Of course - no amount of internal testing, no matter how thorough comes close to the bug-finding ability of a whole audience of players simultaneously putting in thousands of hours of playing per day once the game is released.

There will be issues and probably some overpowered tactics, but this is completely expected of any sports game. This level of community interaction and desire to keep improving the product points towards a bright future for the series, hopefully it makes the profits it deserves.
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Someone take away his 'snipping' scissors.. we don't need anymore out of contextedness around here.


Aww heck.. like that's going to stop it happening everywhere else.. GO FOR YOUR LIFE!

You've just had an argument with yourself. :facepalm
Loophole has now been closed with this latest update, and it is no longer an issue. Well done BigAnt.
Someone take away his scissors.. we don't need anymore accidents out of contextedness


Aww heck.. like that's going to stop everywhere else.. GO FOR YOUR LIFE!

Contestedness isn't a word
People are always making up words... what's the issue? Use them enough and they'll get into the dictionary.... otherwise we'd still be talking like this "Methink?st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee." which in modern Snowy-Talk is "Piss off".
It's very cromulent to make up works...:rolleyes

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