Best Wicket Keeper-Batsman in Test Cricket

Who's the Best Keeper-Batsman currently playing Test Cricket

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I will go with either Boucher or Dhoni. But Boucher is the best keeper and Wk . Dhoni comes second. Batting at No. 7 is always a tough job to do and Dhoni tries his best to do it. Whenever he has been sent to top order, he had performed well. But still i go with Boucher.
best keeper is Prasana, but his batting is far behind the others mentioned.
I'm going to go with Dhoni.

I don't think we've seen the best of his batting yet. Don't forget that Dhoni has just recently consolidated his spot in the Test side--he was being challenged by Dinesh Karthik for that duty until late 2007. Captaincy has also improved his performance in ODI cricket and I think we can expect a similar transition in Test cricket, as well. The problem with the Dhonster in Test cricket is he doesn't play his natural game. Hopefully our top order is strong enough now that he won't have to come in and play the saving game everytime. However, this is the same reason that Gilly was so special--even with his team in trouble, he could come in and blast a quickfire 100.

I think Dhoni's keeping is underrated a lot. He doesn't drop sitters. He keeps well to spinners--you should especially see his speed on stumping opportunities. I think he leaves the other contenders, except Prasanna, in the dust when it comes to creating stumping opportunities. Based on keeping skill I'd say all the guys there are about equal, except for Matt Prior.

He scores quick runs, and in tough time he comes at his batting position and scores as his team need, as Sohum said his keeping is underrated and not so much highlighted and MSD is the best WK India could get
Patel is better than Dhoni :p :p.

I'd have to go with Dhoni. His wicket keeping is absolutely fine, there's nothing wrong with it. He doesn't drop many catches, if any. His batting is also great. He's saved India from defeat on more than one occasion with his batting. McCullum's improved loads as a player recently and he's second best at the moment. His batting has really got better and his keeping has been very good as well. Boucher is third for me. He's experienced, he can be relied upon with the gloves and the bat but Dhoni and McCullum are better.
I voted for the wrong one lol, my vote was for Dhoni but I did the one above. Oops
I voted Dhoni as well. He may not be the most prettiest player, But he is really effective. His stumpings are lightning quick, Takes catches 95% of the time and rarely makes mistakes behind the Stumps. In terms of his batting, His ODI record speaks for itself. His Test batting average is gradually improving (I think its 36 now) and his captaincy is superb.

I'd take McCullum next, Then Boucher.
I must disagree with the choice of Brad Haddin at #1, though I would acknowledge he is probably the best test batsman of the bunch, at the present time his keeping skills leave much to be desired. I know that since Adam Gilchrist burst onto the scene the role of keeper has become the role of keeper-batsman but lets face it the guy was a freak and it will be a long time before we see another with his ability.

Keepers must be primarily judged on their keeping, afterall what is the point of making 50 runs if you let through 20+ byes and drop a couple of catches (a feat Brad has on his resume). Brad sits at the bottom of the list in terms of keeping skill in international cricket at the moment especially when standing up to the stumps, he moves to the ball fairly well but seems to take his eye off it at the crucial moment as though afraid of being hit, a cardinal sin when behind the stumps. He had a very pour tour of India with the gloves and his Australian summer hasn't been much better. I believe Tim Payne to be a much better gloveman and he also has the ability to bat a long innings though lacks Haddins power game.

I would probably have to put Dohni in the top spot as he has wonderful hands and the ability to turn a game with the bat, as he did in the second test against Australia. For a keeper it is not just how many runs you make but when you make them which is why Mark Boucher comes a very close second as he is very steady in a pressure situation has fantastic glove work (you don't set a world record for test catches with longevity alone) though he has gone through a couple of rough patches behind the stumps. I realize that you want to leave Dohni's captaincy out of it but leadership is a key attribute in a keeper they are the focal point of the fielding side and both these players receive bonuses for the way they handle their teams in the field.

Jayawardene at three he is a master of his art both when keeping to the fast men and standing up at the stumps, I have seen him keeping up to Vaas and he is flawless, always chirping and doing his best to keep his team upbeat and motivated and I am sure annoying the hell out of opposition batsmen. Brendan McCullum next, a consistant gloveman without being special and an agressive batsman but has been guilty of getting out to poor shot selection when his team needed him to hang around, he would probably rate higher in a more successful side. Next comes Haddin for the afore mentioned reasons and finally Prior not only due to poor Keeping but has note really been around long enough to be fairly judged and I suppose the same can be said for Haddin. These are only my opinons I am glad for any feedback.
I'm confused now. All along I thought Haddin was supposed to be an excellent keeper, than Ian Healy thought he was excellent, that he was unlucky not to have played more, etc.

And now I hear he's crap. Or atleast not very good.

I've never seen him, so I can't tell.

Captain Dhoni will always be better batsman than player Dhoni. His record will improve in next 5 years.
I'm confused now. All along I thought Haddin was supposed to be an excellent keeper, than Ian Healy thought he was excellent, that he was unlucky not to have played more, etc.

And now I hear he's crap. Or atleast not very good.

I've never seen him, so I can't tell.


I'd probably prefer to take the word of Ian Healy, a former professional wicket-keeper, and one of Australia's greatest keepers, as opposed to some bloke from PlanetCricket. Haddin's a good keeper, and a very decent batsman, surprised he's been ranked below Dhoni, Boucher and McCullum by almost everyone in the thread tbh.
Haddin keeping will put even Parthiv Patel in limelight.
I ranked him lower cause:
a) Seen very little of him
b) He hasn't been around as long as MSD, Boucher and McCullum.

I actually feel that if he were around for 2-3 more years, then at the moment he'd be the first choice. His record with the bat is good, he's been performing okay, and apparently is a good keeper.

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