OTHER Big Ant Studios Lacrosse - PlayStation3, Xbox360, PC

In the lacrosse video, Carlo implies the backers will have their whole name recorded - he said "goal by Carlo Sunseri". In cricket an example would be saying the players full name when coming onto bowl or into bat, which wiuld be more realistic too.

That could be a good incentive, even for people with common names. So if you make your player in CA you just get called Smith but if you've backed the game, then when appropriate you'll be John Smith.

I'd pay for that, i reckon.
I would financially support a cricket game but not a lacrosse game.
In the lacrosse video, Carlo implies the backers will have their whole name recorded - he said "goal by Carlo Sunseri". In cricket an example would be saying the players full name when coming onto bowl or into bat, which wiuld be more realistic too.

That could be a good incentive, even for people with common names. So if you make your player in CA you just get called Smith but if you've backed the game, then when appropriate you'll be John Smith.

I'd pay for that, i reckon.

I backed it just for that whole reason....to get my commentary name. Having an unusual name makes its a rare possibility for my name to appear in any game. And since big ant is making this game, i am hoping my name will carry over to the next cricket game by them also :p
I was surprised my name wasn't in CA when there was a cricketer with my name playing for Zimbabwe I think he was captain too, and other than Flower he's probably their most famous. It's on FIFA for the first time this year and its great to hear it when I get the ball!! I'd be willing to donate 20 dollars for it to be in DB14/15. And more for my own player created by the pros to be in it!!!
I would financially support a cricket game but not a lacrosse game.

I would financially support a cricket game made by Bigant, and by extension, a sports game made by bigant. This is because they improve with every game they make, and their lessons from the Lacrosse Game, if they make it, can get passed on to their next cricket title!
Ross, is lacrosse huge in Australia? What was it that made you guys partner up with an american based company for a Lacrosse game?
It's not big here but I think it is big enough to warrant a game.

It's Carlo's enthusiasm and knowledge of the sport that has convinced me that we can make it.

As discussed previously, I've got a history of working with US sports, especially the NFL.
It's not big here but I think it is big enough to warrant a game.

It's Carlo's enthusiasm and knowledge of the sport that has convinced me that we can make it.

As discussed previously, I've got a history of working with US sports, especially the NFL.

You may want to try your hand at a football video game. There's no competition to Madden series and there are plenty of football fans who are disenchanted with the Madden series. For such a profitable and big selling series I'm surprised there's no viable competition to Madden at all. Maybe "Football Live" series by Big Ant could shake up things a bit.
Probably gonna give a wee bit (the amount that gets my player shipped in the game because I'm an egotistical idiot...) to the game...

e: The original post didn't befit the atmosphere in PC, so I must must apologise (aka I I forgot I wasn't posting on the something awful forums...).
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You may want to try your hand at a football video game. There's no competition to Madden series and there are plenty of football fans who are disenchanted with the Madden series. For such a profitable and big selling series I'm surprised there's no viable competition to Madden at all. Maybe "Football Live" series by Big Ant could shake up things a bit.

Madden has had many a competitor in the past, maybe not the last 4 years.

The best NFL game ever made was by 2ksports in 2008. The moment 2k decide to jump back onto the wagon and make another NFL game they will drive EA into the ground just like the they did to NBA live.


It's not big here but I think it is big enough to warrant a game.

It's Carlo's enthusiasm and knowledge of the sport that has convinced me that we can make it.

As discussed previously, I've got a history of working with US sports, especially the NFL.

I think it is a pretty smart business move by you guys to develop a lacrosse game and make some good money in the U.S market

As for selling a lacrosse game in Australia, i think it will be a bit of a challenge.
This generation Y bunch wont even play Rugby,NRL or cricket games because they are too busy playing Call of Duty so it will be hard to entice them with lacrosse.
I don't think the Lacrosse game is being made with Australia even in the picture. It's a US market product...
Totally. That's not to say it wouldn't get a downunder release (I hope it does) but it's unlikely they're looking at Australia with 'huge profit' in the left hand column...

That being said, reckon folks here who haven't backed the product should consider doing so sooner than later. Otherwise it might bite the big one... Which would be a shame because there's real trickle-down value in this project for any future cricket titles. Go for a run today, save yourself 10 bucks on a McDonalds combo and fund the kickstarter!
Like every digital game, the only reason not to release it in Australia is our stupid classification requirements.

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