BLIC Demo Opinions and Reviews

Who all think BLIC is going to be CRAP?

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barmyarmy said:
How many buttons?

looks same, but mine has 2 more buttons, ABC XYZ.
Better than playin from keyboard. :D
My review:

Slowly getting used to the controls but I like what I've seen so far (only played for 1 hr as I write).

Batting feels a bit easy because if you time well it's easy to hit a 6. I hope this is because of low difficulty level. Captures look superb. Trying more ground shots now. Shots have good variation, good 'feel' to them. noticed some nice touches - Got an edge which was taken by a diving first slip. one c&b chance was dropped. One catch in the deep was taken after slight fumble.

haven't done too much bowling. Certainly a little challenging. Noticed you can get plenty of movement but it's important to control else they go as wides.

Some glitches like bowler chasing boundry balls could be fixed in the patch..but none of the glitches are too severe / game braking (unlike plenty in EA).

The game takes a little getting used to and may feel different with camera angles etc than EA, but it should be taken as an original attempt. (not a bad one either).

To sum up, Graphics look superb, I say much better than EA (who have fat models, clumsy captures and over shiny, unreal feel to the game). Batting, fielding captures are great, EA not even close imo. This game has an elegent feel to it. Hawkeye is superb (beats EA). Commentary great (again beats EA).
Overall it may not be a perfect game (I'd say because of no front foot/back foot selection and autoplay) but considering it was just a demo and there is a whole array of features present in full game, it is still a very very good one.


saisrini80 said:
Hey barmyarmy (or someone!), can you help me on the fielding? Is there really manual fielding in the demo? I am persistently trying to configure it but its not damn working one bit!!! I have tried attaching a new keyboard to my laptop! But still I couldnt configure the fielding part at all! My numlock key is on too!

I think all you have to do is press "2" in between the green zone to have a fast throw/perfect catch..aim for the marker.
Shailesh said:
My review:

Slowly getting used to the controls but I like what I've seen so far (only played for 1 hr as I write).

Batting feels a bit easy because if you time well it's easy to hit a 6. I hope this is because of low difficulty level. Captures look superb. Trying more ground shots now. Shots have good variation, good 'feel' to them. noticed some nice touches - Got an edge which was taken by a diving first slip. one c&b chance was dropped. One catch in the deep was taken after slight fumble.

haven't done too much bowling. Certainly a little challenging. Noticed you can get plenty of movement but it's important to control else they go as wides.

Some glitches like bowler chasing boundry balls could be fixed in the patch..but none of the glitches are too severe / game braking (unlike plenty in EA).

The game takes a little getting used to and may feel different with camera angles etc than EA, but it should be taken as an original attempt. (not a bad one either).

To sum up, Graphics look superb, I say much better than EA (who have fat models, clumsy captures and over shiny, unreal feel to the game). Batting, fielding captures are great, EA not even close imo. This game has an elegent feel to it. Hawkeye is superb (beats EA). Commentary great (again beats EA).
Overall it may not be a perfect game (I'd say because of no front foot/back foot selection and autoplay) but considering it was just a demo and there is a whole array of features present in full game, it is still a very very good one.
couldn't agree more than that...
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-The Hawkeye
-tough bowling
-good captures
-excelent detail

-no frontfoot or backfoot
-batting is easy
Incase you guys havent noticed it says difficulty is set to county
Which im guessing is the easiest mode
Sman-21 said:
Incase you guys havent noticed it says difficulty is set to county
Which im guessing is the easiest mode
Its medium......some where i read that easiest one is Village or city, then County, then Test.
After playing the Demo for 2 hours I noticed some little things that I didn't like about BLC2K5

- Batting is way too easy especially hitting sixes
- The Wicket Keeper has no hat or anything which look weird
- The Instant replays are really dumb and pointless like on wickets
- The Commentary never says the players names, just batsmen and bowler, and for spin bowlers they say " here come a slow bowler " which bugs me.
- Faces of some players just looks awful.
- 3rd Umpire sucks, gives the decision even before we view the play.

Overall I'm glad that EA Cricket 2005 is coming out on July st, because it is a better game than BLC2K5 overall and I never though it would come to that conclusion but after playing both demo's, EA gets my vote!!
Yeah I have to agree with you, i am a bit disappointed with the game, and I am sure the BLC die hard I hate EA fans are deep down disappointed too. It sure seems a bit too amatear for me, Cricket 2005 wins!

And its out tomorrow!!!
Its kind of a fun game, but 6 overs is probably about the right length for it. My main gripe is the weird angles and power of some of the shots. It certainly has something to offer and isn't TOO horrible considering it was built from scratch, but it probably won't get my fistful of yen. Hopefully they don't give up and can patch this one up before bringing out a bigger and better version in a year or two.
cham2k said:
After playing the Demo for 2 hours I noticed some little things that I didn't like about BLC2K5

- Batting is way too easy especially hitting sixes
- The Wicket Keeper has no hat or anything which look weird
- The Instant replays are really dumb and pointless like on wickets
- The Commentary never says the players names, just batsmen and bowler, and for spin bowlers they say " here come a slow bowler " which bugs me.
- Faces of some players just looks awful.
- 3rd Umpire sucks, gives the decision even before we view the play.

Overall I'm glad that EA Cricket 2005 is coming out on July st, because it is a better game than BLC2K5 overall and I never though it would come to that conclusion but after playing both demo's, EA gets my vote!!

Did EA have a demo?I must of missed it :D
cham2k said:
After playing the Demo for 2 hours I noticed some little things that I didn't like about BLC2K5

- Batting is way too easy especially hitting sixes
- The Wicket Keeper has no hat or anything which look weird
- The Instant replays are really dumb and pointless like on wickets
- The Commentary never says the players names, just batsmen and bowler, and for spin bowlers they say " here come a slow bowler " which bugs me.
- Faces of some players just looks awful.
- 3rd Umpire sucks, gives the decision even before we view the play.

Overall I'm glad that EA Cricket 2005 is coming out on July st, because it is a better game than BLC2K5 overall and I never though it would come to that conclusion but after playing both demo's, EA gets my vote!!

Some very interesting comments on this thread and in particular those in the quote above. Most the comments about the negatives such as above have no affect on the gameplay whatsoever.

My view of it is like this. Cricket 2005 is a good game, it is graphically superior to BLIC. However for me it is totally unforgiveable that a developer can release a game which hasn't even corrected the bugs from the previous version, the major drawbacks are that it is far to easy to bat in Cricket 2005 even on the harder levels and like I said the game is ruined by the bugs carried over from C2004. However the new graphics engine is superb (apart from all the players looking like they are on drugs) and EA have the potential to develop a very good game if they spent time on rather than rushing out the game.

BLIC on the other hand. The graphics are good but not as good as Cricket 2005. I am led to believe that the developers took the concious decision to concentrate their efforts on the gameplay aspects of the game rather than make it look good graphically. In terms of gameplay BLIC rocks C2005 in everyway shape and form. Batting on the demo is easy (but not as easy as C2005) and I fully expect it to be harder on the increased difficulty settings. Bowling is extremely challenging. People have moaned that they are unable to get players to ball at full speed, well it requires concentration. You need to concentrate on each and every ball, making sure that the balling bar is at the maximum level (which is just slightly above) the line whilist at the same time having to concentrate on the line that you are balling, the length and the amount of swing you want, to me that is just like what a real baller would have to do. It take practice and patience. The other aspects such as Hawkeye and replays are very good but can be improved but to me they do not affect the gameplay. Of course BLIC is not perfect and there are bugs but the bugs are smaller and have less impact than the ones in C2005.

So the choice is simple, Cricket 2005 looks better and is getting better with each version but the fact remains because of lazy development bugs which were known from previous versions are still there, therefore it makes the game so frustrating. BLIC is better all round game, graphics are ok but the main thing is gameplay is far superior to Cricket 2005 and the hope is that the game can be further improved when future editions come out.
Just got caught off a no ball, and it was given out. In addition ball just went for eight runs, fielder took the ball over the boundry and threw it back, it missed everyone and went across other boundry and that was counted too.
Jus said:
Just got caught off a no ball, and it was given out. In addition ball just went for eight runs, fielder took the ball over the boundry and threw it back, it missed everyone and went across other boundry and that was counted too.

Those are certainly new ones on me, did the batsman actually walk off with the catch?

Good reviews chaps, keep them coming.
is there a manual commentry optin to change the commentry or it is auto??

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