Bowling Speeds

so i decided to move slowly up the levels. i started with rookie/ametuer and the bowlers bowl real slow. someone like steyn (whose attributes are pretty high) is bowling 100-115kph. never above 130kph.... im wondering when i go up higher levels like pro/veteran will the speed also increase?
This is a bigger issue for me personally than the career mode problem. Other than playing twenty twenty matches it really detracts from what this (in my view),the best element of the game. Not to mention facing slow ai bowling
so i decided to move slowly up the levels. i started with rookie/ametuer and the bowlers bowl real slow. someone like steyn (whose attributes are pretty high) is bowling 100-115kph. never above 130kph.... im wondering when i go up higher levels like pro/veteran will the speed also increase?

The issue is that they simply run out of puff too quickly. If it's you bowling, you need to get the run up and release right to get them as quick as possible, but whether it's for you or the AI, players basically run out of steam 4-6 overs in and drop from ~150 kmph to ~130 kmph and keep going down. They don't recover quick enough throughout the match either, it's a major problem with how the stamina system works in the game.
I tested to see if had anything to do with the attributes creators had given in the CA. I maxed out the attributes for a player, and their speeds still dropped significantly after 3-4 overs.
I tested to see if had anything to do with the attributes creators had given in the CA. I maxed out the attributes for a player, and their speeds still dropped significantly after 3-4 overs.

yeah i checked that too. but for me they dont even go above 125... very frustrating
yeah i checked that too. but for me they dont even go above 125... very frustrating

It should be known as the New Zealand adjustor. Where every team is left with a pop gun seam attack. Only problem is I mostly play with nz - so its down to 114km for me!
yep can only play t20 because of this issue...anything else is not much fun. Will most likely affect the longevity of the game for me, which is a pity given how great everything else is.

Still no comment from BigAnt on this...wierd when they generally at least comment on everything else.
Do people honestly feel like not even a 50 over game is fun due to this issue? Very disappointing if true :(
Can people really tell the difference between a ball at 95mph and one at 80mph? Or is it just psychological seeing the speed gun registering a 75mph ball for Mitchell Johnson for example? To me it doesn't seem like there is all that much difference; it's purely a cosmetic issue that doesn't really have too much of an impact on gameplay but one I'm sure we'd all like to be addressed.
Can people really tell the difference between a ball at 95mph and one at 80mph? Or is it just psychological seeing the speed gun registering a 75mph ball for Mitchell Johnson for example? To me it doesn't seem like there is all that much difference; it's purely a cosmetic issue that doesn't really have too much of an impact on gameplay but one I'm sure we'd all like to be addressed.

Do people notice a difference when bowling to the AI? Do the pace bowlers get hit more when bowling 20 km/h slower?
Do people notice a difference when bowling to the AI? Do the pace bowlers get hit more when bowling 20 km/h slower?

I was referring to batting, but yes, when bowling it is noticeably different. I'm not sure how it impacts upon the chances of getting hit more though.
Still no comment from BigAnt on this...wierd when they generally at least comment on everything else.

Ross reads all posts so i'd imagine this issue has been taken into consideration.

Can people really tell the difference between a ball at 95mph and one at 80mph? Or is it just psychological seeing the speed gun registering a 75mph ball for Mitchell Johnson for example? To me it doesn't seem like there is all that much difference; it's purely a cosmetic issue that doesn't really have too much of an impact on gameplay but one I'm sure we'd all like to be addressed.

Personally yes I can definitely notice the difference in speeds. For example facing Dernbach in his first over is very difficult and you don't get much time to time the ball but after you've seen off his first over you notice that he's easier to deal with.
I like the idea of the bowlers dropping in pace but it's just to fast. Still if Bigant fix this then game could become harder as the fast men are easier to play after a few overs.:spy
Do people honestly feel like not even a 50 over game is fun due to this issue? Very disappointing if true :(

It's fun to play odis even with this issue but you do see the bowler's pace dropping off starting his 3rd or 4th over. Mitchell Johnson starts bowling in 120s instead of around 150kph.

Can people really tell the difference between a ball at 95mph and one at 80mph? Or is it just psychological seeing the speed gun registering a 75mph ball for Mitchell Johnson for example? To me it doesn't seem like there is all that much difference; it's purely a cosmetic issue that doesn't really have too much of an impact on gameplay but one I'm sure we'd all like to be addressed.

It's a huge difference. Facing Mitchell Johnson in his first over and his 5th over in the game is a different experience altogether. In his 1st over it's tough to get bat on the ball and by the time he comes on for his 4th or 5th over he's bowling in 120s and facing him is much easier as he has essentially turned into a medium pacer from a fast bowler.
Do people notice a difference when bowling to the AI? Do the pace bowlers get hit more when bowling 20 km/h slower?

Id say so yes, which may aid the lesser batsman somewhat too, they get more agreesive when someones bowling 60 MPh at them instead of 85

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