Bug Report Discussion

In your first video you did not hit it because the ball was way outside off and you are trying to pull it legside. You are best to try to pull legside when the bouncer is middle to leg and anything off stump you cut
The shot was there in dbc 17. But somehow not there in this game.

I get your point but if u see the ball marker, it is full circle red which means ball will be on the stumps. However after pitching it moves wide of off stump.

Hence hitting bouncers is a bit of hit and miss (in case of full red circle). If i try to cut and the ball moves in, it will hit my hemlet or body and if i pull and it moves wide of off stump i miss.
If i try to cut and the ball moves in, it will hit my hemlet or body and if i pull and it moves wide of off stump i miss.

Kind of like dealing with a ball that seams and/or swings in real cricket then?

Not having a dig, but to me that's a good feature, not a bug
Kind of like dealing with a ball that seams and/or swings in real cricket then?

Not having a dig, but to me that's a good feature, not a bug
Ofcourse i love the ball seaming and swinging. I never said that it is a bug.

I am talking about a certain pull shot.
Anyways there has been lot of posts regarding the pull shot issue and big ant will decide whatever is best for the game.
Guys i just downloaded @Llewelynf teams from the academy. Great work. I cant thank u enough.

Just a quick observation. As soon as i started playing with these downloaded teams the game started stuttering. Very similar to what used to happen in dbc17.
Is anyone having this issue? I am on xbox one with day one patch
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When I play Ashes cricket on career mode and advance time to the next game, the screen goes black and goes to lauch game screen (this keeps happening). My console is Xbox one.
Classic controls. Left stick back and right stick to the off?
Standard controls feels more in control. I am able to play cut shots now. Using classic, I was struggling big time. For bowling, I had already shifted to standard controls. Guess I will continue with standard for batting as well, unless I have a real reason(increase difficulty).
The circle isn’t for swing. It’s for line.
but in dbc 14 and 17 it also showed swing because it can't tell u right line without encountering swing..
just for comfirmation,on pitch marker as well and bat, ball will not pitch in the marker which will be showed.
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For some reason everytime I share a stadium all my logos get deleted
Anyone had an issue when trying to swap a player like Matthew Wade out of a team for a community created player eg. Tim Paine that it completely crashed the game and a CE error come up? I had this happen twice when trying to add Tim Paine into the team for a casual test match. Reported this to Sony with screenshot and video via their reporting system. Have tested this again shortly afterwards and I can swap players freely now. Weird one.

i dont even know where to start.

After horrible start of dbc 14 where rolling ball to fielder was counted as a catch to no difficulty setting in dbc17 and now sliders working on ashes/difficulty tooooo easy on legend. Note, the sliders were working on dbc 17 as well at launch date, so they’ve done the same mistake.

I mean cmon man? Why cant we get a solid game? Why do we have to wait for a patch for a game thats already out? All games hv bugs at start but its not unplayable bugs. Every bug about online on bug thread is seeiouslt too much. Im amazed beta guys havent done crap and instead defends the game as if its perfect. WHY NOT SPEAK HE TRUTH?!?!?!?! The online mode is so crappy atm. Bouncer landing on stump on short bounce, not able to be played on back nor front foot, batting tooo easy every ball going for six, runout bug when u cancel and the batsman stairs as if someone stole his phone. Not able to cut on green balls/red balls at all on FRONT FOOT??? Why? Have u never seen someone cut a shot on front foot? Seriously!!! Batsman getting stumped when missing shot because he cant get back in time. Fielders sometimes not reacting at all to the ball, sometimes dont even take the catch. The ball marker doesnt even show where its gonna pitch, its just a round circle which is another huge thing. Cutters???? I mean wth, cutters are turning more than a spinner turning the ball?! So unrealistic. There’s not even good change of pace in this game, we want what we had in past? How hard is it? Other than the mo-cap this game has just let us down, specially online mode. How can you make such buggy/laggy game again after making 2 mistakes already at launch on previous titles? Legend mode = hit all balls away for 120m away for six? I mean for god’s sake just keep the same timing bar as before. Batsman doesnt even play short ball on front foot? Why? It happens irl and it was possible on dbc 14 n 17. Why not here? Why not on ashes? Why has this game gone down so low? Have u guys not learned from your mistakes? Sorry but i was quiet fr so long expecting u to fix this and not make this mistake again after dbc 14 and dbc 17. But honestly u guys dont put any effort into online mode. Someone using a slider that makes his batting easy and someone doing something else?!

And ross should stop being rude on forums instead should spend his time fixing these issues As soon As possible. Ffs im so angry that u guys hv again done the same mistake. FIX THESE ISSUES FFS ONLINE IS NOT PLAYABLE AND LEAGUES ARE SHUR DOWNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We as customers have the right to give even negative feedback. I mean if the game is not good at something and needs patch because its unplayable even at LAUNCH DAY, then dont expect good respone from us. Havea good day :)

Edit: i really dont want anyone to tell me to be nice. Because ive tried that and have played a game thats not even fully fixed still after so many promises (DBC 17) this is what u guys deserve atm.

@BigAntStudios @MattW :@
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We as customers have the right to give even negative feedback
Definitely! No one here is denying that. But your post is a perfect example of how one should "NOT" go about reporting things about the game.

You've found bugs/issues with the game. Fine, put in a readable format. Right now it's a just a long paragraph that no one will be bothered to read. Be constructive, not dramatic.
Definitely! No one here is denying that. But your post is a perfect example of how one should "NOT" go about reporting things about the game.

You've found bugs/issues with the game. Fine, put in a readable format. Right now it's a just a long paragraph that no one will be bothered to read. Be constructive, not dramatic.
I hv been through this since dbc 14. Waiting waiting waiting n not getting shit... these guys dont even focus on online and slmetimes u have to show them this side. Im absolutely pissed

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