Originally posted by SteveS1967@Jan 14 2004, 05:45 PM
The inability to resume in One-day matches...
Test Matches - reverts to default line ups in the second innings (BTW - it does this whether you save or not)
Rain that never stops...
Saving and resuming probs are at the top of the list.

Fielder walking onto wicket as bowler start run up...

Annoying and on the list but not game ruining

Scorecard showing all 11 players as being out...

Quite frankly unimportant. There are bigger statistical problems than that.

Slips in One-dayers...

We should be able to sort this one out ourselves

The others we have that you didn't mention are:
CPU running
Statistical errors
Wicket Keeping
Autoplay issues
Stamina bar
Originally posted by barmyarmy+Jan 14 2004, 11:30 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(barmyarmy @ Jan 14 2004, 11:30 PM)</div>
@Jan 14 2004, 05:45 PM
The inability to resume in One-day matches...
Test Matches - reverts to default line ups in the second innings (BTW - it does this whether you save or not)
Rain that never stops...
Saving and resuming probs are at the top of the list.

Fielder walking onto wicket as bowler start run up...

Annoying and on the list but not game ruining

Scorecard showing all 11 players as being out...

Quite frankly unimportant. There are bigger statistical problems than that.

Slips in One-dayers...

We should be able to sort this one out ourselves

The others we have that you didn't mention are:
CPU running
Statistical errors
Wicket Keeping
Autoplay issues
Stamina bar [/b]
Thanx for that Colin...

Look forward to a Patch..


Steve S.
This is very annoying. Part of the fielder catching then throwing over the rope for 4 bug.

If you press x just after it's happened to cut out all the umpire signalling and replay part then the game hangs and will not restart. Just sits there. You've to reset the PS2. I played for 3 hours last night and then forgot not to press x when this happened so it was all down the tubes.

Solution is not to press x when it happens, but when your rapped up in the game it's hard to remember this.

This is a show stopper, on the PS2 at least, but this can't be patched so i guess it's tough.
keep hopes HDBird the uk version just might be bug free....atleast i hope so....and thats the main reason y i didnt bother buying it on the PS2....i will wait for the uk release....where as the pc version...it can be patched....so i cany be a loser here....so keep hopes
Do we know if the UK version will be any different from the Aus one? I think not, but it would be good if it was.

If it is going to be different, then anyone want to buy an Aussie one? ;D: It's got Brett Lee on the box and everything <_<
well it should be different coz 2 months from the aus release is a long period for them to do the changes needed....n if they took this much time just to export the game there and get the covers printed etc....then i think....u be the judge.....coz i dont want 2 be offensive coz they have done a decent job with 2004....unlike c2002 4 which they made a patch but didnt release it.....and finally all they released was a patch for ppl 2 run it on the win XP....huh like they wanted more pcs to run the game but not more gamers to play it coz if i rem well it didnt correct any other bug except 1 or 2....so....
Can't see it myself. They'd 2 years to develop and test C2004, and clearly made a pigs ear of it. To expect all the bugs to be ironed out in 2 months is a bit optimistic imo.
A small thing, in the pc version I have never seen a bowler throwing the ball over the boundary after a catch. After a catch, especially a fielder on the boudary doesn't throw the ball at all, but keeps it save in his hands. The other fielders do throw the ball after a catch.

I can't imagine that the UK release will differ from the Aussi one, but we will hear that soon enough. If the UK version is without several of the know bugs, it will be easy voor EA to launch a patch.
Hi Guys

Just a small plea. Does anyone know how to fix the bug when you are autoplaying and it just stops when showing the scoreboard. It used to happen now and again, but its now happenning every lovely time and I just cannot autoplay anymore - gets frustrating!!
Never seen that bug before either, do you have the PC or PS2 version?
very disappointing game indeed lots of bugs i have just played one match and here is the list
lots of byes
very easy batting,just atouch fetches 4
non real pictures
fast bowlers walk to the pitch
running radar sometimes dont show the running
no fielder colects overthrows and u can run atleast 4-6 runs before next bowl is ready
commentary flaws are innumerable
................................................and the list goes
I'll give up, all those minor bugs and reacting after playing the game once.
I really doubt the UK version will be any different from the Aus version, you say two months
between releases, what about distribution to the shops from Canada (HB's & EA's base)
so I reckon this forum will be inundated with UK bug reports which'll mirror what we've seen

Release is scheduled for Feb 13th...if that slips into April then there's hope...but for now just
hope that "balmyarmy" can get EA to come up trumps otherwise we've a pretty useless game

Steve S.

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