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Drama O'Clock much? Worst case scenario the game is the 11th, that's hardly worth the 101 pages of nonsense and vitriol that has been spewed in this thread, mostly directly AT Ross who has little input into this release information. It's a giant storm in a teacup whipped up by an over-passionate minority.

It's certainly not representative of the majority of the forum and furthermore I take offense to being included in the people you describe in the paragraph above because if the NZ release of the game was coming a few days after an Australian release you'd have 99.4% less hullabaloo because it's such a stupid thing to get wound up about, and I believe I speak for all the NZ members here in saying it would absolutely not be the drama it's become in the UK release thread. We deal with these kinda delays and stuff in Movies, Games, Music and Television all the time, is it frustrating, of course? Am I going to sign up to an Ellie Goulding-visited message board and vent my spleen at her directly for not releasing her album on time in NZ? No. Because Ellie is awesome and I'm not a nutbar.

There's some valid arguments to had regarding the promotion of the game in social media and in the press, and there's been some great case points made and I would almost certainly imagine, they've been noted. There's zero call for the Jurassic Park level of shit that's been piled in, on and directed towards Ross in this thread. Those same people that want to continue to read tea-leaves and invent conspiracies or frustrations of their own creations and fling it at Ross deserve all that and more, to poignantly quote Mr Fegan.

To suggest that Ross defending TruBlu means he's not frustrated is asinine and shows the complete disregard for the complex realities of the situation. If you honestly expect Ross to start throwing TruBlu under the bus for any perceived frustrations from a particular corner shows how little you and/or others understand how business works. Ross has the right to defend any strategy or situation he's in, because he's the one with the hand to play, we're spectators or customers and we get the game, when we get the game. Simple as that, really. But there's absolutely no way a guy who is in the business of paying salaries, supporting a company that relies on business connections and companies like TruBlu,for him to start throwing them under the bus in a public third party forum is totally ridiculous. He's going to defend them, end of line.

We're owed nothing.

Once we have money invested in the game, we're owed a great experience, one that regardless of the date you play the game, we can pretty safely assume we're going to get.

*drops mic*

how this forums has worked for the last year has been on mutual respect, I think when you start coming out with this sort of hyperbole or people feel like they're being jerked about is where it begins to fall apart.

but a bit of perspective, there's little, if anything aimed at ross, people commenting on an internet forum to vent frustrations is not "jurassic park" levels of shit and this thread is tame compared to general internet standards of online arguing.

no one understands the "complex realities", we don't have any information to understand, I think asking people to show a bit of faith and maturity isn't too much to ask but it works both ways. people aren't annoyed because of a delayed date, they're annoyed because information that is reasonable to expect at this point (a confirmed release date less than two weeks before it's assumed to be out) is being with held. without any info no one can do any understanding, so the onus is pretty much on those who do have the info to empathise with those who don't. It's surely not a situation anyone with a job is unfamiliar with?

all people feel owed is a certain level of respect, that's all, ross deserves it for responding to feedback and helping this community grow and the people here deserve some for establishing an online community and providing feedback, looking from the outside I think they've been pretty great, take the night off.

I was happy enough with ross's reply saying he did get why people were feeling frustrated to be frank, I think that's all people wanted to hear in lieu of any facts. I think you probably need to chill a bit too and stop taking any criticism of a game (in which you have no professional involvement) so personally.
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@BigAntStudios sent him a belated Valentines Gift

In this case I would not suggest to open it up while kids in room.

exactly what dutch said. only cost me a cup of tea.

well, there was a teabag involved anyway.

Very difficult clues to make something out of it. I imagine you give ross some bags full of tea and in return he give you his blessing and posted a copy of DBC for you ???
Sorry BA, the 11th isnt good for me.

My girlfriend is away from the 7th to the 10th and i planned on playing then.

Please change the release date to reflect this.
Sorry BA, the 11th isnt good for me.

My girlfriend is away from the 7th to the 10th and i planned on playing then.

Please change the release date to reflect this.

it's a stunning break with precedent... i booked the 11th off work and actually look to have made a good judgement for the first time in my life :)
At least we seem to have a proper date now :) happier with that.

I'm gutted though, i'm going away for the weekend on the 11th! Won't be back until late on the Sunday ... not sure the Mrs will be happy if I take my PS3 lol
I have had more communication with Alternative Software and the current position is that they are "aiming" to release the game on 11th April 2014, but that is not guaranteed. It could slip into the following week, they are aware of Easter, so if it did slip into the following week then it would be released BY 16th April 2014 so as to ensure that people get the game before good Friday.
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I make games, good ones, and am responsive to the community that you tell me I am shitting on.

You really would think I'd murdered someone at this point with that kind of reaction.

Once again, not you but the publisher (Tru Blu). You have to understand the distinction between the two. We love the product that you came up with and that's why we intend to purchase it. But that doesn't mean we should be happy with the publishing part of it as well, which we understand and have mentioned that you are not responsible for.
At least we seem to have a proper date now :) happier with that.

I'm gutted though, i'm going away for the weekend on the 11th! Won't be back until late on the Sunday ... not sure the Mrs will be happy if I take my PS3 lol

No read below we dont have proper date. It is not proper (official) until Trublu announces it or something official from BigAnt and Offcial means someone saying hey guys it is on 11th.

I have had more communication with Alternative Software and the current position is that they are "aiming" to release the game on 11th April 2014, but that is not guaranteed. It could slip into the following week, they are aware of Easter, so if it did slip into the following week then it would be released BY 16th April 2014 so as to ensure that people get the game before good Friday.

This I had in my mind since morning.
Believe it was about 20 or so pages ago I said shopto can be trusted with their info. But no, you all went running to game! It was also about 10 pages ago I said game will change their date to the 11th. But no, you all still went with game!
In the words of lee1981......."we will get the game on the 11th, knobs"!
Hi all,
Just a heads up to say an email from Amazon has advised me my pre-order delivery date has moved to 14th April.
I have had more communication with Alternative Software and the current position is that they are "aiming" to release the game on 11th April 2014, but that is not guaranteed. It could slip into the following week, they are aware of Easter, so if it did slip into the following week then it would be released BY 16th April 2014 so as to ensure that people get the game before good Friday.

i certainly don't like the sound of "aiming"... since they were "aiming" for 4th.

apparently they were "close" to simultaneous ww release on boxing day, then had three months to sort it out, and still couldn't do it. immensely frustrating.

also, very hard to understand how you're able to get the info from Alternative Software (and since you were right about Game pushing back from 4th to 1th, no reason to disbelieve you) but neither they nor TruBlu/HES will make an official announcement.

again, just so frustrating.
it's a stunning break with precedent... i booked the 11th off work and actually look to have made a good judgement for the first time in my life :)

You are making an assumption that April 11th will remain the release date. How can you be so sure cometh April 8th and Tru Blu, or whoever is the god-forsaken UK distributor of this game, will not pick up the phone and tell retailers to push the release date by a week? ;)

At this point, as my signature says "Seeing is believing" and I have no faith in Tru Blu. I will believe it when the game is in my hands. Period.
Hi all,
Just a heads up to say an email from Amazon has advised me my pre-order delivery date has moved to 14th April.

if you had the alternative software purchase, they updated their listing yesterday, i think. again, the concern is that Alternative Software seems to be the UK distributor, so far as we can tell.

@kamy100 it would be good if you asked them about as you have the hotline :)

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