Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

No news is good news right? :noway

Where this is concerned definitely not

All we want to know if the release date is that so much? So I can decide whether to pre order the fifa world cup game instead of pinning my hopes on this...
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I have imported from Dubai from and currently showing in transit. Hopefully if all goes well i should have the game in my hand tomorrow.

When did u order bro, I ordered Monday so would be good to gauge. I work away all week so ordered to my works address so hoping for Monday. Won't be able to play it til then if it arrives any earlier. Didn't wanna risk ordering it to my house and it not turn up until Monday. Dramas :-)
Just spoke to lets and they said they are expecting the 360 version this week but weren't more specific.

LetsTango CS Agent: Hello...How can I help you today?
me: Don Bradman Cricket 14 Xbox 360..Is this Out ?

Sorry for the delay. We're working on getting to you as quickly as possible. If you need to run, please feel free to leave us a message
LetsTango CS Agent: Hi.
We are expecting the Xbox 360 version to become available within this week.
me: April 4 is the release date..Will it will be available by then ?
LetsTango CS Agent: Yes, we know about it. Hopefully we'll get it available soon.
You can sign-up with your email address on the product page, so you'll get notified once available.
me: Ok..Thankyou
Me: Hello good sir may I buy Don Bradman Cricket 14?
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Price reduced to ?42.99 on Amazon UK site, thats my preorder sorted!
Hopefully they'll despatch as soon as they receive stock ????
be warned!

i have heard that customs may grab this game
so watch out!
its happened to me before and total cost of game was ?70! have the achievement list up on their site today. They don't EVER do that unless a game is ready to drop. Its coming boys, its coming! Just like death, if you wait long enough it will get to you in the end.
i have heard that customs may grab this game
so watch out!
its happened to me before and total cost of game was ?70!

They will get grabbed will have a fee added on then you will have to go to your post office to pay it before they deliver.
XBOX 360 version is now available from Lets Tango. It's ?63 with postage but I decided to get it from there with still no UK date. 3-7 days delivery so hopefully early next week.
Went in to my local independent gaming store today and they now have db14 coming out next week! This I believe is a good sign as even last week they were not aware the game existed but now they have it on next weeks list hope fully I may get it a couple of days early!!! Cant wait!

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