Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Only if you're prepared to go in and ask. Apparently you can't call any individual stores now, you have to call a central call centre (which is crap).

@ Shrimper
My amazon pre order still says not yet dispatched and expected delivery 12th realy annoying when i rang they made out not getting alot of copies either dunno what has happened to the uk release of this game i have 3 friends i talked into buying it aswel they all have same issue saying saturday i know only one more day but i work weekends and have fridays off so would be perfect to receive tomorrow, game are very annoying not having direct numbers now I have 4 within a hour from me cant get hold of any direct.
I was going to send them a twitter message but it would appear they're offline for the night. Just have to hope Amazon deliver or go into GAME and hope.
Only if you're prepared to go in and ask. Apparently you can't call any individual stores now, you have to call a central call centre (which is crap).

@ Shrimper

nope mines all sorted. pre-odered in store as soon as i could. to quote the twitter message igot

"your copy has been put to oneside with your name on it. see u Friday"

Happy days
Its here just updating my teams then gonna have my first match.:yes:yes
I'm really going to miss that feeling of anticipation when the game arrives tomorrow. Is having the game better than waiting for it? :rolleyes
Ross had said they are in UK but not sure where

im not bothered one way or another its the game i want!

If mine arrives in a Steelbook I will sell it to the highest bidder.:yes
The case not the game.
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nitial Question: I DBC:14 and with expedited mail I am expecting it to arrive tomorrow which is the delivery date and release date. I have been in contact with Amazon before today and have been told numerous times that it will be dispatched today but I am still waiting for it to be dispatched and with it coming up to 19:30 I don't see it being able to arrive on time tomorrow.

Can you tell me if it will be released today as it should be or already should have been

If It is not going to be dispatched today then I will be cancelling my order and going elsewhere as I have been moved from pillar to post.

07:12 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): Thank you for contacting

I'm Vidyasankar. May I know your name please?
07:12 PM BST Peter: Oh I for got to put that in. Peter
07:13 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): Hi Peter.
I understand your concern regarding the order status, I'll be happy to help you with this.
Could you please confirm the order number?
07:14 PM BST Peter: 204-6836669-8445156 is it I believe
07:14 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): Thanks.
07:15 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): As I've checked and see that for this order, we are planned to dispatch the order by today, however Once your order is sent you'll receive an e-mail confirming the date, contents and method of delivery.

07:15 PM BST Peter: I've been told that before today though and I'm still waiting. Is there anyway you can get it dispatched today in the next 1/2 hours?
07:17 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): I'm sorry, as the order is planned to dispatch today, we will not able to confirm the exact time, however I'll now contact someone personally at our fulfillment center on your behalf to speed up the dispatch process.

07:17 PM BST Peter: I've had someone say that before as well. That was around 2pm I think.
07:18 PM BST Vidyasankar(Amazon): Alright, I can understand your concern, however we will dispatch the order today and you will receive it tomorrow without fail.
07:19 PM BST Peter: I'll hold you to that. That's all for me now. Thanks for your help.

Here's hoping.

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