Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

From GameXchange:

The Official UK release date is 11th April but this is Australian stock from an unofficial supplier.

With import games there is always a slight risk of delay due to possible transport issues but we have been assured by our supplier that we will receive the stock before the end of next week.

So, if it was UK stock from the official supplier I would be 100% confident that we would dispatch the game before release but with import games that figure would be around 90% confident.

Please note that a preorder does not obligate you and we will only ask for payment when the stock comes into our warehouse.

I?m sorry this isn?t a definitive answer but I hope it helps.

Hi i just got this from using the Game live webchat service, pasted conversation below:

Please wait. An operator will be with you shortly. If you are contacting us regarding an online order please have your order number ready.
Damien says:
Hello Rizwan Ahmad. My name is Damien how can I help you?
Rizwan Ahmad says:
Rizwan Ahmad says:
i pre-ordered don bradman 14 from ure site the other day
Rizwan Ahmad says:
the release date is stated as the 4th april, however, other game sites including amazon have the release date as the 11th April, how come Game has it listed a week before?
Rizwan Ahmad says:
it has confused me
Damien says:
That is the most up to date release date that we have been given Rizwan
Rizwan Ahmad says:
so as far as you know it is correct? and how quickly do you dispatch?
Rizwan Ahmad says:
if the release date is the 4th?
Damien says:
We dispatch 2-3 days before release date in most cases.
Rizwan Ahmad says:
so i should hopefully get it on release?
Damien says:
In most cases yes you will
Damien says:
In some circumstances - delays with the postal network etc it can be late

So it does look like the 4th

Exciting times
On a different note, the description of DBC 14 at is possibly the best I have seen...

?Grow over 40 crops including vegetables, cereals, citrus fruits, nuts, berries, pomes and drupes.
?Rear sheep, pigs, goats, cows, chickens, ostriches, ducks, horses, geese, turkeys and rabbits and attend to each one's specific need
?Play against AI competitors
?Operate a range of machinery for watering, milking, cheese production, pasteurisation and for the packaging of your products
?Make sure you harvest before bad weather and irrigate before droughts
?Sell your goods at market and your own farm shop at the highest price by storing them whilst the price is low
?Buy the most fertile fields before your competitors do
?Increasing difficulty levels see bank lending rates rise higher, weather less predictable and wholesale prices lower
?Feedback allows you to make informed agricultural and commercial decisions

PS3 : Don Bradman Cricket 14 (PS3) | had me at "40 crops" :D
Great ! good chance if you order Australian import ,you will have it on the 3rd but surely on the 4th.

Indeed, but there is also a chance of their delivery of stock not turning up on time like he said. I'm going to wait till next week to weigh up my options.
I've changed my order to the import but I'm away on the 3rd so won't get to play until the 4th anyway :-(
Indeed, but there is also a chance of their delivery of stock not turning up on time like he said. I'm going to wait till next week to weigh up my options.

Yes that's possible,i believe same is happening over at have release date of 4 April.
They surely must be getting import stock from somewhere aswell.
Indeed, but there is also a chance of their delivery of stock not turning up on time like he said. I'm going to wait till next week to weigh up my options.

Same here. Next monday (March 31st) is when I pull the trigger. If no more information is available by that time, it's unlikely we will get anything more within the subsequent couple of days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will have North American retailers ready to ship the game by April 4th.
Can't believe the bloody panic on here about if it's the 4th or 11th, it's bloody ridiculous.

I mean it's 7 extra days, Xmas was 3 months ago, think how quick that time has gone, in that bloody time my little boy has had 3 of his first teeth fall out, he scored his first ever goals in a footy match.

Point is, life goes on and it goes frigging fast, so get some perspective. :facepalm
Can't believe the bloody panic on here about if it's the 4th or 11th, it's bloody ridiculous.

I mean it's 7 extra days, Xmas was 3 months ago, think how quick that time has gone, in that bloody time my little boy has had 3 of his first teeth fall out, he scored his first ever goals in a footy match.

Point is, life goes on and it goes frigging fast, so get some perspective. :facepalm

Thanks for shedding some light.In the end it doesnt matter 4th or 11th (you are right).
But it is just that some people of a problem with patience.


I've changed my order to the import but I'm away on the 3rd so won't get to play until the 4th anyway :-(

I have done the same
Can't believe the bloody panic on here about if it's the 4th or 11th, it's bloody ridiculous.

I mean it's 7 extra days, Xmas was 3 months ago, think how quick that time has gone, in that bloody time my little boy has had 3 of his first teeth fall out, he scored his first ever goals in a footy match.

Point is, life goes on and it goes frigging fast, so get some perspective. :facepalm

Flip me Lee! Being a daddy is starting to have its good effects!! Too bloody right you are.:p
As freaky it may sound I think I may end up with 2 copies on PS 3 now did so many pre-orders dont even remember which one to cancel which one to keep.

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