Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

My guess at this point they will essentially not have a 'release date' as such in the UK and just let stores fulfil orders as stock comes in, with their official distribution on amazon put back until they have caught up. Either by underestimating demand or not being able to get as many copies in as they expected in time?

Once it's out in Australia, there's not much point holding on for an arbitrary release date, whatever it may be.

As such, I'd pick a retailer you've used before with good customer service and just stick with them.

Agreed that the situation doesn't look good, I'd hate to be in that situation waiting for an unknown date for a game that's releasing within a week elsewhere.
Don't let him off the hook so easy...

He said a long time ago he knew the strategy and agreed it, has said he's not concerned about the UK (in the sense of "it's fine", not that he doesn't care), and has now claimed the "strategy" has worked.

His fingerprints are on the cookie jar too...

There has to be some kind of plan for a strategy to exist..........

No one knowing what the hell is going on is not a strategy!

Unless the strategy was to aggravate all the UK consumers.
You have to begin to feel a little for Ross and the BigAnt team ... they have made this game, it looks unbelievable

Totally agree, the frustration is with trublu/distributor NOT Big Ant/Ross at all. Like he says he can't say much due to contract obligations. So it's not his fault with this uncertainty. I can't possibly think that the 'strategy' was for this confusion/uncertainty no matter what is said that it's 'worked' if it wasn't for PC there would be little to no pre-orders at all atm... All the proof you need is their fb page the comments are so repetitive and stupid :facepalm


As such, I'd pick a retailer you've used before with good customer service and just stick with them.

Yup thats what ive done went with GAME from the 1st moment. :)

In disappointing news. Unfortunately the publisher has stepped in and prevented the import from Australia so we will now be stocking the UK version only (reaching customers on the 11th April).

Andy Parkes

Got this from GameXchange.
Either by underestimating demand or not being able to get as many copies in as they expected in time?

Release date aside, wouldn't this be a good thing to be happy about? If it's true, then surely this scale of demand for the game (without adequate marketing) can be taken as a big plus.
Lol... a similar scenario with Game is all that's missing :lol

I think it will come up soon. I just checked there website and it still says comes out in 7 days.

I am highly motivated to order from Aus and NZ or India but not sure how much time it will take to get delivered. Now with release date likely to be 11th and Easter holiday here from 17th with Sat,Sunday on 12,13 I dont think I will get the game before 22nd 23rd and this really kills all the excitement for me. Thinking about canceling all possible pre-orders at-least those I did with extra payment for express shipment.

Thank you for nothing TruBlu you guys ruined it.
Was going to pre-order it provided we hear something from the publisher but decided against it now. This is not releasing on the 4th and I really doubt I will on the 11th either... otherwise we'd have some information by now.
I think it will come up soon. I just checked there website and it still says comes out in 7 days.

I am highly motivated to order from Aus and NZ or India but not sure how much time it will take to get delivered. Now with release date likely to be 11th and Easter holiday here from 17th with Sat,Sunday on 12,13 I dont think I will get the game before 22nd 23rd and this really kills all the excitement for me.

Thank you for nothing TruBlu you guys ruined it.

Without wanting to get in another argument with you, you really don't help yourself with statements like this. It all depends in your own attitude. Your own expectation lets you down not Tru Blue. Yes it is a shambles but they have not done anything that they said they wouldn't do: the only frustrating thing is that we have no official information.
I think it will come up soon. I just checked there website and it still says comes out in 7 days.

I am highly motivated to order from Aus and NZ or India but not sure how much time it will take to get delivered. Now with release date likely to be 11th and Easter holiday here from 17th with Sat,Sunday on 12,13 I dont think I will get the game before 22nd 23rd and this really kills all the excitement for me. Thinking about canceling all possible pre-orders at-least those I did with extra payment for express shipment.

Thank you for nothing TruBlu you guys ruined it.

In the same boat bud. "Good Friday" weekend kicks off on 17th and am planning to take Easter monday off as well. Really hoping I somehow get the game before April 16th.
Don't let him off the hook so easy...

He said a long time ago he knew the strategy and agreed it, has said he's not concerned about the UK (in the sense of "it's fine", not that he doesn't care), and has now claimed the "strategy" has worked.

His fingerprints are on the cookie jar too...

I hope this was jest. If not, then I think maybe you are taking this whole crucify-Ross thing too seriously. I actually agree with the points you make about them mucking up the release and promotional strategy. And I totally don't want to get into the Ross did or did not "lie". I have been dishonest plenty of times in my life and have no right to judge someone else *a luminescent halo just popped over my head*

But in the end, his team has created what is expected to be the greatest cricket game ever. And most of us will be playing it early-mid-next month

PS: I really hope that line by blocker wasn't a joke, because then it makes me look stupid and preachy. Go blockerdave !

PS2: The religious subtexts in this post are not intentional
if people are going to discuss the release date I think it's only fair to discuss the release date, distributors, publishers etc. Ross has contributed a lot to this place over the last year or so and has stated before he's bound by contract not to discuss certain things so he cannot necessarily defend himself.

beyond this, personal attacks are not allowed as a rule on PC.

I am as frustrated as most people on here about the complete lack of transparency from tru blu, I think they're doing a rubbish job. Even if it is working to generate revenue the tactics have been at the expense of the people that have been most loyal to the game and have followed it for months prior to release. (not to mention have freely donated skills and time in order to create players for the game which they are now using as a major selling point)

however, people here still need to reign their necks in a bit and watch their language and how they address people.
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