Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

I think I'll order from Game. With zero information from Tru Blu and undoubted NDA related silence from @Ross I have established my choice of supplier by the tried and tested means of eeny meeny miny mo.
I am just going to wait when it comes out and I will just go to store and just pick it up....not happy at all with the UK release date.
Funnily enough I sent them an email yesterday also asking for the UK release date, still waiting for a reply though.
Funnily enough I sent them an email yesterday also asking for the UK release date, still waiting for a reply though.

tweeted them more than a week ago. not even a holding response or a "mind your own business you nosy sod"... just silence.

their social media operation is pathetic.
It's got to a point now where it's just ridiculous. Dates here there and everywhere 3rd, 4th, 11th, 14th & 18th. How can they be content with the confusion? I guess they have no idea about all the confusion. Just think of the retailers who have had many people pre-order with them then move elsewhere due to the confusion.. it's all the retailers who have clearly been misinformed due to the differing dates of ALL of them.
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You'd of thought they would be slightly more organised in putting the game out there, or at least giving some sort of release date so people know when they can even buy it in what could be their second largest market although the sub-continent seems to be getting more concrete info about their release at the moment so perhaps not.
You'd of thought they would be slightly more organised in putting the game out there, or at least giving some sort of release date so people know when they can even buy it in what could be their second largest market although the sub-continent seems to be getting more concrete info about their release at the moment so perhaps not.

I agree :thumbs

Where is @Ross gone ?

All we want is a definitive UK release date !
So we can put all the speculations to bed.
I agree :thumbs

Where is @Ross gone ?

All we want is a definitive UK release date !
So we can put all the speculations to bed.

Tbh ross can't say much now anyway due to contract agreement. It's trublu we need to hear from.
Tru Blu were very quick in preventing GameXchange getting imported stock but not so quick at keeping potential customers in the loop, really really poor.

So all hope now rests on GAME next week and if not then who knows when we'll be getting it.
Tru Blu were very quick in preventing GameXchange getting imported stock but not so quick at keeping potential customers in the loop, really really poor.

So all hope now rests on GAME next week and if not then who knows when we'll be getting it.

If they are that quick with gamexchange which i totally agree with what they done there. then surely with game having the 4th that would have been changed by now? All we can do is hope now that GAME stays the 4th :)
Tru Blu were very quick in preventing GameXchange getting imported stock but not so quick at keeping potential customers in the loop, really really poor.

So all hope now rests on GAME next week and if not then who knows when we'll be getting it.

i'd still be surprised if it goes further than 11th... so it's still not "that" bad... but it's just the lack of clarity and the continuing silence from trublu that is so bloody antagonising.

retailers should be furious - if they just came out and said "it's 11th in the UK" shopto would already have my money.
Two weeks have passed now since my OP. I criticised Tru Blu's marketing history at the time and, unfortunately, they have proven to be as incapable in advertising their product and communicating as they have in the past.

If they are the only Australian publisher left then Australian publishing is in a sorry state. Big Ant would probably be better off considering a European option next time (are dual publishers possible?).

I have got my pre-order placed with for the 11th and I hope they have the stock available to deliver. The last fortnight however has given me little confidence in the process.

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