Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Finally placed my GAME pre-order. I don't really care about the steel case anymore, although it would be nice to get it, and Tru Blu's recent "strategies" have made me just want to know when I will be able to actually have the game. A few days ago I said Tru Blu have been "reasonably poor". I now think they have been awful to their customers, no matter how well the strategy has worked for them.

The fact that I don't have a clue if I'll be getting it next Friday or the week after is very poor from Tru Blu. I'm fine with the weeks wait, but we are 7 days before the release and don't know when the second biggest market can get the game.

That is the key bit. Even if their strategy has worked 100% the customer has still been treated bloody awfully; no-one can argue with that. Is @Ross happy with the way the UK customers for his game have been treated?
They've got distribution worked out; apparently, the distribution company just aren't very good at announcing things...
Ok guys clearly it is useless to write trublu anything they are not the people to reply back (tried some weeks ago). GameXchange was not asked by trublu to remove directly but they (Trublu) warned Aussie dealer not to send the supplies to UK ( Simply this will not go very well with there official dealer in UK and other retailers in UK). Now after this I am quite sure that it will be hard for Game to keep up there date of 4th April somehow magically when no one provide them the stock (We are sure they dont have the stock yet otherwise they would have charged us for our pre-orders).

Now I am really confused what to do getting game on 11th or later is extremely bad as complete holidays I had before and after easter will be lost before I get the game. I like guys at gameXchange and dont want to cancel there pre-order and keeping Game in hope of somehow magically getting it on 4th and so.
I wonder if people started ordering the game from India whether trublu would start pulling their fingers out, the mark up would obviously be less for bigant, and its a good job we're decent enough to still go through British stockists and paying British prices to support this game, I have nowt against bigant but trublu couldn't organise a piss up in in brewery, absolute shite! PC may only make up a fraction of the total sales but if it weren't for PC no one would have a clue about the game!! Trublus strategy seems to be take the money and run, is Fegan working there now?
haha this is all getting a bit too crazy lol however as a GAME employee im VERY confident we will release it on the 4th :yes

like iv tried to do before, i will keep you guys posted as much as i can in terms of what i can see at work! if the date does change il know and if it doesnt and it appears on one of the stores deliveries anyday from tuesday then il post it (if im allowed obviously)

obviously its not ideal but at least you will know either way ;)
haha this is all getting a bit too crazy lol however as a GAME employee im VERY confident we will release it on the 4th :yes

like iv tried to do before, i will keep you guys posted as much as i can in terms of what i can see at work! if the date does change il know and if it doesnt and it appears on one of the stores deliveries anyday from tuesday then il post it (if im allowed obviously)

obviously its not ideal but at least you will know either way ;)

As you can tell with all the posts in here today ... today has been a long day
Being an employee you will know the moment it comes in the stock. So would you sneak home an early copy for yourself or wait for the release day :p
I think everyone is underestimating GAME hugely...they are trusted retailers for Video Games, and are well known. Simply put, they are being treated as some amateur video game retailers right now, which is obviously not true. You have to remember that this is GAME, therefore they must have something going on to be able to onto the release date of 4th, and I'm sure if there were any potential issues at all, GAME would have already overlooked that in the past...high hopes that they will stick to the 4th (hopefully) :clap:clap:clap:clap
I think what adds to the frustration is the sense that Tru Blu know they've got us over a barrel. They know this is the the first (and only) cricket game in years, that we're all going to buy it regardless of what happens and regardless of the price and they are going to have a monopoly in the cricket game market for some time to come.
I wonder if people started ordering the game from India whether trublu would start pulling their fingers out, the mark up would obviously be less for bigant, and its a good job we're decent enough to still go through British stockists and paying British prices to support this game, I have nowt against bigant but trublu couldn't organise a piss up in in brewery, absolute shite! PC may only make up a fraction of the total sales but if it weren't for PC no one would have a clue about the game!! Trublus strategy seems to be take the money and run, is Fegan working there now?

Why does cricket followers have to go through such a hassle all the time!.. At times the games are sub standard and when we have a good game the people who wants to sell does not want to specify us with release date.

UK peeps have been mucked about nicely.... well done trublu.

edit: here i go on the ignore list....
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ive been following it at work lol its pretty fun haa.

The 'nothing to worry about' line has worn thin now tbh if that was the case we'd know the date by now! I'm more frustrated for the retailers who many have lost many pre-orders due to the date changes..

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