C09 HELP: Having trouble running the game? Read here first

i have downloaded ashes 2009 7 times. but i was not able to play it. i am having microsoft error and unable to play.. kindly give me a solution.http://www.planetcricket.org/forums...ent.php?attachmentid=61582&stc=1&d=1252196211. this is my dx diag. All of u please see this dxdiag and solve my problem...

Mmmmmm, I wonder where you are downloading it from!?:sarcasm
Ah wait! I just checked your system and you have to download it 37 times. Do that first and then we can help!
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I know i read it somewhere on this board that night games run smoother than day games.
I have been suffering the same probs as everyone else ie slow framerates and basically game is unplayable. I emailed CM and they have been replying saying the usual 'download new drivers for everything including mobo chipset', but the game still runs slow... I've even overclocked my card.

I just tried playing a 20/20 night game and i can't believe the difference - the graphics are so smooth and its like a completely different game.
There are only 2 things that are different from day/night games as far as i can tell - the kit they are wearing and cloud textures? I'm not really up on how games run but i remember playing are a racing car sim where it was the case that if you turned the cloud textures off the framerates jumped through the roof! I'm probably barking up the wrong tree but thouight i'd share my point of view.
Is there a way to turn the cloud textures off in a test match?

BTW my PC is an AMD 3800, 1 GB ram and an Nvidia 7600GT.
behave like a humanbeing not like an animal

behave like a humanbeing not like an animal, if u know the solution, you suggest but dont make it simply funful. i have a lot of problem. i downloaded 7 times not silly,with a desire. i have downloaded from torrents,katz,codemasters website and planetcricket website. it is not a joke. BEHAVE like a HUMAN BEING only. May be it will be helpful to anybody.
behave like a humanbeing not like an animal, if u know the solution, you suggest but dont make it simply funful. i have a lot of problem. i downloaded 7 times not silly,with a desire. i have downloaded from torrents,katz,codemasters website and planetcricket website. it is not a joke. BEHAVE like a HUMAN BEING only. May be it will be helpful to anybody.

Does anybody understand this? It appears to have been written by a crackhead!!!:laugh
behave like a humanbeing not like an animal, if u know the solution, you suggest but dont make it simply funful. i have a lot of problem. i downloaded 7 times not silly,with a desire. i have downloaded from torrents,katz,codemasters website and planetcricket website. it is not a joke. BEHAVE like a HUMAN BEING only. May be it will be helpful to anybody.

And now I have to start defending myself, thinking of "funful" things to say to counter your abusive language?

Why am I not a human being? Because I confront you with your lack of morality? It is in fact morality that distinguishes us from the animal kingdom. I know not who you are, or why you would expect anything else from someone who may think a billion things about this little game but did actually pay for it. I suggest you do the same. Then you will find me a very helpful person as are many other people here.

Whatever I think about this game I wish for it to succeed financially so that it will be worthwhile to bring about further development. In that sense I have no problems whatsoever with saying to you what I said. People put a lot of time and effort into this game and it should be paid for, just like if I buy a table or a chair.

Just because you can get an illegal copy or maybe it is the "only" way for you to get a copy, doesn't make it right and certainly doesn't mean that I have to be of assistance. I would like to ask you not to post your abusive little comments on my profile page; you are making the neighbours worried.

If you wish to have a grown-up conversation about this you will find me an engaging partner. If you wish to you use abusive and flawed arguments and statements you will find me gone.

So Mr Ramesherni I wish you every success in your quest and I bid you goodday, from one human being to another.:)
i did the uninstall through the uninstall option during autorun but when it didnt let me reinstall again i deleted the dir....

when i try to add/remove ashes 2009 it give me the following error:
1628: Failed to complete installation

I have the exact same problem as you mate. Any ideas????
And now I have to start defending myself, thinking of "funful" things to say to counter your abusive language?

Why am I not a human being? Because I confront you with your lack of morality? It is in fact morality that distinguishes us from the animal kingdom. I know not who you are, or why you would expect anything else from someone who may think a billion things about this little game but did actually pay for it. I suggest you do the same. Then you will find me a very helpful person as are many other people here.

Whatever I think about this game I wish for it to succeed financially so that it will be worthwhile to bring about further development. In that sense I have no problems whatsoever with saying to you what I said. People put a lot of time and effort into this game and it should be paid for, just like if I buy a table or a chair.

Just because you can get an illegal copy or maybe it is the "only" way for you to get a copy, doesn't make it right and certainly doesn't mean that I have to be of assistance. I would like to ask you not to post your abusive little comments on my profile page; you are making the neighbours worried.

If you wish to have a grown-up conversation about this you will find me an engaging partner. If you wish to you use abusive and flawed arguments and statements you will find me gone.

So Mr Ramesherni I wish you every success in your quest and I bid you goodday, from one human being to another.:)

Well said, dutch. I also have a policy of refusing to help people who pirate games. If people don't buy games, where will the money come from to make games better? As for him calling you an animal, that's just ridiculous: you're one of the most helpful and friendly people here!

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Does anybody understand this? It appears to have been written by a crackhead!!!:laugh

Nope, I didn't understand a word. :) :laugh
Ref the Windows Media Player fix - it certainly does not work for me... :crying
Hav stadiums but no crowd

I have the stadiums and groundsmen/security people and cricketers but I have empty stands - I have tried one day/ ashes series - got cardiff first test with commentary find and good stadium detail (but no crowd) . Have checked options and I have crowd on ticked. Anyone have suggestion to problem.The game is working smooth though . pls help
this is the error i got i hv already installed microsoft visual C++ Redistribution 2008 but still i hv got this error i hv also installed the game again after uninstalling it but still i m gettting this error wats wrong plzzz help thx

"this application has failed to start because the application configuration in incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem"

This problem solved guys, i have also face the same problem after installing new xp service pack 3, so i install and remove the game 5-6 times but did not work anytime, Then i install the demo of this game which give no error and easily run, after installing the demo i again installed the full version and it was working fine with no errors in starting the game:)... so here are the steps u can try...
1). Uninstall the game fully if u are not able to uninstall the game then go to C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\ this location and delete the whole thing related to ashes cricket 2009 it looks like {8B39736E-7C8C-4A32-82C1-F94245F20D85} then again try to uninstall the game...

2). Install the demo version of this game
3). Install the full vesion that you have and play the game :)

hope this helps for people who are facing this type of problem....
hey naveen, sorry but i dont have a clue what CCleaner is or how to do a registry/orphan scan

i've been trying to install it fresh but it wont go through the installation process as i mentioned before

dude.... i jst tried this

Download CCleaner software from FileHippo.com - Download Free Software or jst google it for download links. (its a freeware)

after installing it, run CCleaner and go to 'Tools'. there u slect the ashes 2009 entry and click 'delete entry'.

thats it.... after this u can install the game again without a hitch.

try it.

pandroid added 16 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...

Hi all.
(Posted this in the Issues, Fixes and Common Questions thread - then read this one and thought I'd post it here as well. Hope that's ok?)

Like a lot people bought game, installed it, wouldn't run. Demo worked excellent, had no trouble. Done the obvious, then checked here and at Codies forums. This is what one gentleman at Codies did after 4 hrs of trying to get the game to run:
Start/Control Panel/User Accounts.
Create a new account with Administrator privileges (don't delete your existing account!).
Log off and log into your new account.
Run the game - and for some reason, it runs!
But won't run in your original account.

did not work sir...

ne other suggestions??

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