And now I have to start defending myself, thinking of "funful" things to say to counter your abusive language?
Why am I not a human being? Because I confront you with your lack of morality? It is in fact morality that distinguishes us from the animal kingdom. I know not who you are, or why you would expect anything else from someone who may think a billion things about this little game but did actually pay for it. I suggest you do the same. Then you will find me a very helpful person as are many other people here.
Whatever I think about this game I wish for it to succeed financially so that it will be worthwhile to bring about further development. In that sense I have no problems whatsoever with saying to you what I said. People put a lot of time and effort into this game and it should be paid for, just like if I buy a table or a chair.
Just because you can get an illegal copy or maybe it is the "only" way for you to get a copy, doesn't make it right and certainly doesn't mean that I have to be of assistance. I would like to ask you not to post your abusive little comments on my profile page; you are making the neighbours worried.
If you wish to have a grown-up conversation about this you will find me an engaging partner. If you wish to you use abusive and flawed arguments and statements you will find me gone.
So Mr Ramesherni I wish you every success in your quest and I bid you goodday, from one human being to another.