Central Contracts - Should We Abolish Them?

Central Contracts - Keep them or Bin them?

  • Keep them

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Bin them

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Keep them but allow more leniancy towards players appearing for counties.

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters
Cental Contracts should be alot more flexible, if a player has had a bad run, they should be kicked off the contract system and make way for another person to impress.

The England side are making there money in an aweful fashion, if i was the ECB i'd pay the players half of what they should have earned in Australia for the trip.

Australia is a tough tour to go on, but to get whitewashed (Im sure by tomorrow night itll be all over, 5-0 to Aus.) England wanted to give more but Harmison for one has disappointed, Flintoff, everyone really.
The whole point of the contract system is to allow the players some sort of breathing room. How long do the contracts span? Much like a work contract, there must be ways to terminate it, I feel, if the performance is not up to par.

Also, I think contracts are more important in countries where cricketers don't enjoy superstar status (basically any country other than India--huh?)--or rather, don't have a healthy income from endorsements. It may be easy to forget that cricketers though they may be, they still have to make enough money to care for themselves and their family.

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