CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

toomazination said:
boss, LOVE THE PATCH... but to be perfectly honest with you i hate bowling with that giant circle. it just annoys the living hell out of me to be honest. any chance you could release a modified patch that just had the bowling circles depending on a players accuracy that ranged in size. aside from that though, terrific patch and i love the fact that the batting is a real challenge... find myself thinking about each shot and really trying to get behind the ball whenever possible and avoid those loose strokes.
It has already been released,
look out for thr cgp2 rr version in the previous pages or the boss modified version by sixhit 2 page before (forward defensive stroke to normal).
hey dude's u guys r doin a great job at this stuff. But still the game is too easy. All u have to do is bowl negative line overpitched on legstump with a leg spinner(for right handed batsman) and he gets bowled or never scores. And keep bowling outswinging full tosses on middle stump with pacers and the same happens. I genereally have scores of 70-80 in 10 overs and then get the comp out for less than 30.
'Struck him in front'

Yeah , you don't even have to bowl outswingers, press 2 straight delivery on most , over pitch past the stumps and the bowl seems to climb in flight and then you get the old 'Struck him in front'.
Thats a bug with the game not this patch Jonty, trick is stop cheating for christ sake and bowl normal deliveries, 8?()
can we have a fast bowler speed varition patch? I find that the fast bowlers very slow
Hi All...

CGPv3 Rel Date: 15.10.2005 (Saturday)

Updates will come...

10 days and counting.
Gr8 patches till now and good to hear that there is more to come.
Waiting for ur new release dude. I want to b the first one to get it as i did it the last time. COUNTING THE DAYS
Hey boss i just completed a 50 over match with your patch.
Pc scored 273 in my bowling in 50 overs but i scored 279 in just 18.5 overs with the loss of 2 wickets. Please make six hitting a bit tough and could u add the feature where outside edges or mistimed shots would lob into the air occasionally.
cgpv3 update...

CGPv3 Update....

CGPv3 Test Match portion is completed and started to working on ODIs and another 6 days to go for the fa(u)ntastic play...

In test matches

1. now its really possible to bowl, LBW, C&B CPU batsmen (not like cgpv2).
2. try the same shot for 10 times, u'll get 10 different results with 70% success rate.
3. six hit made tough.
4. fielding completely changed.
5. forward def prob corrected,
6. edges made realistic
7. grt pacing by CPU.

and more in cgpv3..., if u feel still any bugs left in cgpv2, let me know that b4 the rel of cgpv3. am taking note out of all the posts u know, so don't hesitate.

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I hope you can do some magic to odi patch as well as your previous patch had too easy batting so any kind of target set by cpu was in reach.Also made six hit shot difficult there so if we rely only on hitting then we began to lose the wickets regularly.I hope both it will awesome.It is nice to hear from you about your next coming patch.

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