CGPv7 + IRCSU(v2) Released!!!, Download Now And Enjoy...

Nice work boss,you are really a big helping hand and never try to keep the things secretive.Keep it up your good work.
boss said:
First of All, i would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to all of the members/mods/admin in PC Team. Coz, our thread reaches 10000 views exactly in a month. Cheers to ALL. :cheers

Thread Stats:

Started on: 16.08.2005 (Today: 16.09.2005)

Views: 10084* (at an avg of whopping 325 views per day)

Replies: 250* (at an avg of 8 replies per day)

Thank u once again for making this thread such a huge hit, even outplayed CGP thread in Cricket'2004. So all now i wish is the same trend continues and i always here to provide my best for PC Team.

thank u mate for u'r app.

Wrong thread to post this mate!.

yap!, the cursor prob is fixed!. You can defend this total, only if u get early wickets. that too possible if u bowl wisely. i.e, pace/line/length variation. Eventhen if u don't get any success, bring in Murli. He will done the job for u.


U are dead right i got early wickets through vassy and zoysa we won.. that is a great patch man...i love it nice work bro..

i hardly found any bugs..
keep it up man..'s nice to here that this thread has reashed 1000 views .
Six hit shot!

Hi friends,

Great patch Boss. I always love playing Cricket with your patches. Just like previous versions of EA Cricket games, you did wonderful job once again! :clap

I am enjoying playing C2005 with CGPV2. Just one thing to mention that Six hit shot is so easy to play. Your patch would be a great one If you could plz make it little harder for new batsman to hit sixes, and even easier as a batsman stays on the wicket.
Ive modified the forward defensive shot and now I seem to have the perfect patch!!!!!! :cool:
If its ok with you I would like to offer this to people.

Disclaimer:- This is 100% Boss's patch still but I have reset the forward defensive stroke to normal. If Boss allows this I will upload the file for Test Match, ODI 50/20 over games. Cheers Boss for your hard work but I found the patch unplayable without this change, full respect due.

If anyones interested then It would be worth shouting out now, Cheers to all.
Replies on 20/09/05, 8.55 p.m. IST

saurabh said:
Thanks for stroke files. Now i can tweak some shorts of my own.

akira said:
thanks for the stroke files, this will help a lot of ppl.

ndn_enigma said:
Thanks for it.. I can play around with it to my liking now.

kamrandahir said:
Thanks for strokesList

Hero said:
Nice work boss,you are really a big helping hand and never try to keep the things secretive.Keep it up your good work.

Thank u all for the app abt the stroke list.

charithnirmal said:
U are dead right i got early wickets through vassy and zoysa we won.. that is a great patch man...i love it nice work bro..

i hardly found any bugs..
keep it up man..'s nice to here that this thread has reashed 1000 views .

thank u mate for the app!, Oops!, 1000*10 views mate!. (ofcourse now crossing 11500*...)

smqadeer said:
Hi friends,

Great patch Boss. I always love playing Cricket with your patches. Just like previous versions of EA Cricket games, you did wonderful job once again!

I am enjoying playing C2005 with CGPV2. Just one thing to mention that Six hit shot is so easy to play. Your patch would be a great one If you could plz make it little harder for new batsman to hit sixes, and even easier as a batsman stays on the wicket.

thank u for the app and comm mate!, will make the exact tweak abt the 6 hit in upcoming patch.

Six-Hit said:
Ive modified the forward defensive shot and now I seem to have the perfect patch!!!!!!
If its ok with you I would like to offer this to people.

Disclaimer:- This is 100% Boss's patch still but I have reset the forward defensive stroke to normal. If Boss allows this I will upload the file for Test Match, ODI 50/20 over games. Cheers Boss for your hard work but I found the patch unplayable without this change, full respect due.

If anyones interested then It would be worth shouting out now, Cheers to all.

thank u for the app!. Ofcourse u can post it here if more ppl wish that b4 the release of cgpv3!. (may be 2 weeks left...)


Yeah please release, six hit. This patch is great!
Thanks Boss,
It is your willingness/openness to ideas and sharing which has made your patch number 1 to a lot of people on this board, thanks mate.
Here you go people, use this set of files if you wish and replace the ones in the folder:- ConfigsWhenWeBat. It is just the batting files I have modified to suit my own taste and possibly a couple of whingers about the forward defensive like me :) Use exactly like boss has said replace when batting only and try these out in your main cricket2005 folder, you all know the score.

Disclaimer:- This is 100% Boss's patch still but I have reset the forward defensive stroke to normal. :cool:


    42.5 KB · Views: 62
hey can someone give me tips on how to take wickets using this patch.
Ive played a 10 over match, 20 over match, and 5 day test match, but am struggling to get edges, wickets, and lbw's. Im playing on easy mode as i've just switched from playing BLIC.
I think this is my first ever post here :happy

Anyways, just wanted to say that I've been trying all (and I do mean all) the different AI patches and this one is my fave. I've even tried mixing a few of the .BIGs from the various patches. This one has best strokes and best balance between us and CPU IMHO. The only prob for me has been the lack of forward defensive stroke in tests. Kinda weird really, defensive stroke works fine in ODI's (when you hardly use it) but not in test - when you really need it :eek:

Gonna try the patch put up by Six-Hit and see how that goes.

Thanks for your patch boss - it truly rocks :hpraise

P.S. IMHO once that defensive stroke thing is sorted this is the AI that should be in the next MegaPatch. Much better play than that thing :cheers
the only problem i see at the moment is blocking the ball in test and the general gameplay play for both cpu and human is to aggressive in one dayers and test could u make it a bit easier on the bowlers the bowlers early on are going for 100+ runs in the first 15 overs. apart from that a great patch.
Boss your patch is cool but only issue I have with it is six hit shot is easy to play so make it difficult otherwise it is fun to use this patch.

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