Commonwealth Bank Series (Australia, India, Sri Lanka)

India will edge out. Ishant is key, and Tendulkar has struck gold.
Ghambir and he will work the batting along with Dhoni and Pathan, while the quicks can bowl Australia out.

I still say bring Sreesanth in for Munna, or bring in the extra batter. If Sehwag comes back he can bowl a bit too.
I would bring back Sreesanth and bowl him as first change with Irfan and Ishant taking up the opening bowling honours. The initial ten overs are used to set the tone of the innings, and if Irfan and Ishant can check the Aussies, Sree could be more useful feeding off the set tone. I will play Praveen too because his bowling is more of a "line and length" type and could be useful against Australia.

With the first final at Sydney and with the wicket in the last game being a high scoring one (at the SCG), we dont need Sehwag and Praveen is termed a decent bat. Only change for me - Sree in place of Munaf
Look WORLD CHAMPIONS, it's gotten to the point where people are looking for little minor details which we normally wouldn't spot. This debate should be well past its boiling point. As far as I'm concerned, Dhoni did nothing wrong. If you hate your own country so much then get off our soil. You say you love your country, but not in sports. If you love your country, you can't turn a blind eye to it when you feel like it. Someone who is patriotic is by his/her country's side through thick and thin and supports them in every possible manner. I realize it's your choice to support Australia, but it isn't a pick and choose situation.

Hooper thinks you're a right laugh too, and he's Australian ;).
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Someone who is patriotic is by his/her country's side through thick and thin and supports them in every possible manner.

This is why our national sport is neither cricket nor hockey, but jumping on the bandwagon. Chesterton said it best:

"My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober."

For the record, I agree with you that the Dhoni issue is overblown, and I agree that Avroneel often comes across as a disaffected Ganguly fan, which he probably is. But I think he has a right to support whatever cricket team he wants to. Issue-based support is a much better policy than blind allegiance.
I still say bring Sreesanth in for Munna, or bring in the extra batter. If Sehwag comes back he can bowl a bit too.

Hes not Munna (Baby) hes Dadaji (Grandpa):p. Sreesanth looks good sitting on bench. Lets keep him there only. Sehwag should be picked instead of Dadaji and play lower down the order rather than up the order.
My line-up would be :-

Sehwag / Uthappa
Rohit Sharma
Praveen Kumar
Ishant sharma

Hes not Munna (Baby) hes Dadaji (Grandpa):p. Sreesanth looks good sitting on bench. Lets keep him there only. Sehwag should be picked instead of Dadaji and play lower down the order rather than up the order.

i would rather bowl venkatesh prasad than Dadaji !! :D
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My line-up would be :-

Sehwag / Uthappa
Rohit Sharma
Praveen Kumar
Ishant sharma

i would rather bowl venkatesh prasad than Dadaji !! :D

Quite true. Lets hope they get rid of Dadaji soon..:D
For Sri Lanka it's all downhill really from here. They seem to be in trouble now and with Jayasuriya and Murili nearing retirement, even Vaas, they're going to have a bad period.

They havn't been competitive this series. I remember right before it began Sangakkara posting that this was between the top 3 sides in the world. Sri Lanka arn't playing like it. However, India have been the real surprises and they are playing like one of the best sides. Especially with the ball. With the bat, they've had their good days and bad days.

I'm glad they're getting rid of the tri-series in future. It's too long, it's often quite one sided for one or two sides.
I can see Sri Lanka trying to push things together. One of the reasons they are struggling is because of the choices in their lineup, there's a lot of youth in there. On that note, I didn't hear what happened to Upul Tharanga, who seemed settled and might have been a useful player against attacking bowlers.

Another problem they have is that Chamara Silva is desperately out of form. Whereas India or Australia can hang on to out of form players in spite of their squads, Sri Lanka simply have little choice. However, now they face a dead rubber and it would be nice to think they will give the squad a proper rotation. Considering Maharoof and Vaas, I'm actually rather surprised Welegedara has yet to feature.

In fact I'm constantly surprised Maharoof is still in the side, or that he gets wickets. Accuracy is one thing, but he lacks variation and I don't think he is quick enough to just bowl straight and hope on anything other than a ropey wicket with dodgy bounce. The stats confer an ugly analysis; at home, he averages a spiteful 20, for less than 4 an over, but against the opposition on their own turf, he averages 32, for more than 5 an over.

It's not been helpful that it has been a tri-series against two decent teams, instead of say, a series against the West Indies. In such a period, the outside players just need to get a good performance to feel a boost and although a big game against Australia is a genuine rubber stamp, new players need confidence from where ever they can find it.

For the tri-series, at least it has been a fitting send-off, if not on the points table, but certainly on the scorecards. I don't think this is the end of the micro-tournament in Australia, though. Although scheduling predicts simple ODI series for the next couple of years, I expect we shall eventually see a revamp in the form of a T20 tournament. Such a format could restore interest in cricket at the end of a long season as spectators turn towards football. Whereas there are up to 15 ODIs in 5 weeks, two 5 match series and a T20 series could be held in the same time frame. Alternately, two 3 match series and a T20 series could be held in 3 or 4 weeks worth of schedule.
Not sure, but the way you wrote it made it sound like you were still harbouring some resentment over it.
I wasn't harboring resentment over it but that doesn't mean I would accept what was obviously a flawed argument. Especially coming from WC, who is going to draw extra flak for obvious reasons.
i wouldnt play 5 bowlers against the aussies,we need batsmen......either sehwag or tiwary should play.
Ya I also think If Aussis have made their mind to made 280.Then 5 bowlers won't gonna stop that.Ishant and Praveen looks in great touch so we can go with 4 bowlers.Bring Viru he can bowl a bit with Sachin and Yuvi.
I don't think bringing Tiwary back gonna work in finals.Time already went when India should tried him.
Dadaji well he is good bowler,Useless as a fielder and Hopeless as a batsman..
Yes. Ganguly had been coming in at number 3 when he wasn't opening and given Sehwag's performance in the Test matches, he was bound to be picked for the ODIs. So our batting line-up would have been, if the two seniors were around:


Both Rohit Sharma and Gautam Gambhir would not have been in the line-up, and both have put in some invaluable performances in this tournament. And, of course, Sharma has fielded well.


Rohit Sharma has been average with only one or two good performances but he is one for the future and should be there in the team.The batting line up should begin like this


Mind you Tendulkar and Ganguly are the most successful opening ODI pair in the world and they played pretty well last year too.It was never the issue of batting form and thats why I repeat that I don't see why Ganguly should have been dropped. I don't think there are many reasons why Sehwag should be in the team.Look at him play dude.I don't know why you keep assuming I am against newcomers when I have not said one word against them... It doesn't mean that if Ganguly would have been playing then some very useful player would have had to give up his place in the team. Ganguly is more useful than some of the players playing for India right now... specially Sehwag.
Ganguly is finished and this time there will be no come backs from him. Finally.

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