Commonwealth Bank Series (Australia, India, Sri Lanka)

May be he can Spin anywhere!!I don't follow Murli that MUch..I like Pure cricket.
I also think that India should not be to worried with that loss but you never know cricket..If one blow By AUS..and one more win to srilanka....And all our Matches Get wash-out then it'll be very intresting picture from my point of view...
If you can't make out to Final then What you gonna do by this all moral performance???
One thing is sure,AUSS gonna be in final only Ind and Srilanks need to decide who gonna take that pleasure!!!I know AUS strugling this days but not that much that they can't make it to final!!
I wish Yuvraj gets time out there in the middle. I felt Dhoni brought him a bit too late last game. He said he wanted a left-right combo, but why did he come in when Gambhir got out instead of sending Yuvraj?

Poor Yuvraj. Even in best of form he struggles against Murli. He needs :help.

One thing is sure,AUSS gonna be in final only Ind and Srilanks need to decide who gonna take that pleasure!!!I know AUS strugling this days but not that much that they can't make it to final!!

Australia dont have ticket for finals reserved. They need to earn that one. Sri Lanka will have got acclimatized by now and there will be some good matches coming up.
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I wish Yuvraj gets time out there in the middle. I felt Dhoni brought him a bit too late last game. He said he wanted a left-right combo, but why did he come in when Gambhir got out instead of sending Yuvraj? Dhoni contradicted himself there. He was influenced by Yuvraj's form and is slowly losing patience on him. Hope he is given some more time.

I guess you may have answered your own question there, but, I am of the same opinion as you.

Yuvi's time will come, it's only a matter of time.
Australia dont have ticket for finals reserved. They need to earn that one. Sri Lanka will have got acclimatized by now and there will be some good matches coming up.

ya dear sid i agree that they have to earn a place in final means they dont have ticket but you know they gonna make it.Most of time when they got chalange you see best stuff from them.I am not taking side of AUS but up coming gud matches don't have any value untill we gonna see 50oves match without blessing from sky.Rain messing every thing now.Fingure crossed,hope we gonna see sum gud cricket with blue sky!
It can still rain with blue skies. :D

Yeah, if the weather holds out, this series is going to be a cracker, finally one that won't be one sided with the Aussies involved.
They should have all day night games. I dont want to get up early as 4:30 AM and see old highlights of India playing some country downunder as it is raining in the ground.
Lol...ya Mob in aus anything can happene.every day i see here snowfall with blue sky.let me tell you little bit about weather at my place.i got blue sky yesterday with lot of snow fall n temperature its overcast from morning but still no snow n temperature i hate blue sky here.

They should have all day night games. I dont want to get up early as 4:30 AM and see old highlights of India playing some country downunder as it is raining in the ground.

Ya you are right...for me it is 2:00AM...
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Its warmer when it snows though than when its blue sky.
Well, when it's a day/night match, it's 3:30AM for me, so either way, one of us will have to sacrifice/suffer. :p
Its warmer when it snows though than when its blue sky.

Dear may be...But you never know russia,IF you have blue sky with sun its gonna be more cold.Its wind child that all matter....and other point when i have 1.5 FT Snow my car get stuck..I need to use my legs for 2 KM...:p
i dont think lanka have any chance of getting the better of the aussies in perth but it will be a good contest in adelaide between the indians and the aussies,weather permitting of course.
You never know logically lankan won't able to make any trouble for AUSSIES, but its just matter of crying sky,who knows once more Respected D/L will play instead of players and we gonna have 20-25 overs match! Hope rain won't interfere in AUS win like it did in SRI Vs IND.
These Aussie day/nighters are bad on me. I like the Aussie day games. Starts at 6pm in the evening and finished perfectly at 2pm (the time I go to sleep everyday).

I wish I can see an India-Sri Lanka final. Would be lovely to see these two teams upstage the Aussies (though chances are as usual, bleak!). The remaining matches have the potential to be humdingers and I hope the unseasonal rain stays away

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