Commonwealth Bank Series (Australia, India, Sri Lanka)

GONE! That could well sway things for us! Very very crucial that we've gotten Jayasuriya.
He shouldn't have been required to attack at that stage. If everyone got a single every ball thats 6 an over. Gilly was played in so Clarke was trying to push singles to feed him the strike, not Clarkes fault that Gilly didnt push on with it.
I agree with Sean, he should've retired. He wasn't just accumulating, he was struggling.
We have got rid of Dilshan too now :) Johnson, you little beauty :D
Scion tends to mean everything he says, as stupid as it is of times.

Spot On Bro.;)

But there I was reffering to disappointment of rained off matches when you get up early. There are passionate supporters of game who will get early or remain awake allnight as Leistershire Fox did in last England game even though they were getting beating of there life. It was just for fun that everyone was reffering to how they watch there fav team even though it might mean they have to sacrifice sleep.

As Sohum said I dont see why you're making mountain out of molehill.
Lucky Jayawardene :( Ponting just couldn't managed to hold it
auusies just need to get rid of sangakkara to win this match
That is brilliant bowling from MJ! That actually swung out. Well bowled, and Ponting finally takes a catch. :o
ROY!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!! An absolute screamer! :D

But the Sri Lankans will complain cos they'll say he grounded the ball as he put it on the ground for 0.00001 of a second. :rolleyes:
Symonds's catch looks mighty dodgy. After he caught it the ball definitely touched the ground, imo, he didn't get the fingers underneath it.

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