Commonwealth Bank Series Feb-Mar 2011/12

Unless war breaks out, they should never interrupt the cricket, and even then, they can easily wait until the break.
Thought Clarke would come in at 3, in the end didn't make too much difference. If Forrest makes another 50, Warner would be the one making way for Watson.
Yeah, not looking good for Warner. At least if he misses out, he can get some shield cricket in before the Windies tour. But hey, let's keep him in the ODI squad anyway, so he won't even get those.
So strange seeing such a slow opening, Healy has been harping on about it being the two new balls. Would have been good to put that theory to the test with an opening combo of Hayden and Gilly.
Looks like a predictable scoring rate to me with Forrest and Clarke at the crease. It's better than losing wickets though, so no complaints here. Still plenty of firepower left in Mike, Dave and Christian, but can't rely on that every time.
Good bowling by bowlers. But this partnership is going steady. Need to get one soon.
So can Clarke :clap Think you put the jinx on your boys Radonx, started accelerating from the moment you posted.


Damn Clarke's a fitness nut. One minor break and he's pumping iron and sucking down the protein shakes. Where's f1man anyway? Told you Forrest at 3 and Clarke at 4 would be painful. Actually it was Clarke opening, but whatevs
Well deserved 100 Forrest, and now hes out but main thing is he got the 100 and now the big hitters can do their stuff.

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