Created Players, Logos, Uniforms and Stadiums

Will Thunder or Sixers be available by season opener?
I uploaded the six that were done by fissionmailed and casper, all I did was change some ratings to reflect my personal opinion on the players so full credit to them for those teams. Also uploaded Sixers and thunder, got the kits from someone on the academy called Esky_1620. As far as I can tell they're the correct kits, all I needed to do was make the necessary lineups and tweak some ratings. Can be found under cal3204
Matt must have flicked the switch.


Sixers available for download under username Casper
  • Myself and fissionmailed on players
  • Llewelynf on kits and bats
  • Uses the default SCG in game
Matt must have flicked the switch.


Sixers available for download under username Casper
  • Myself and fissionmailed on players
  • Llewelynf on kits and bats
  • Uses the default SCG in game

Fantastic stuff, out of interest which teams are you going to do next?
Sydney Thunder to wrap up the BBL, then fissiomailed and I will be uploading Australian First Class sides.

Then.....we don't have a plan.

Is it possible that you guys can do Ipl? Or even better if you guys can combine to make classic world cup teams from the 90's that would be amazing... ofcourse only if it interests you too and if you have the time! Loving all your work so far. Thanks
Is it possible that you guys can do Ipl? Or even better if you guys can combine to make classic world cup teams from the 90's that would be amazing... ofcourse only if it interests you too and if you have the time! Loving all your work so far. Thanks

Why not give them a shot yourself? All you have to do is edit their name, put their age in and change their appearance. If you aren't willing to atleast try then you need to be able to wait 4 months for IPL teams...[DOUBLEPOST=1482148765][/DOUBLEPOST]
Sydney Thunder to wrap up the BBL, then fissiomailed and I will be uploading Australian First Class sides.

Then.....we don't have a plan.
Makes sense as you already have 90% of the players.

Mark Cosgrove XI

Been trying for 10 minutes and can't think of a fat joke...
Do you have a timeframe on roughly when the first class sides will come out?


By virtue of creating the BBL teams, 80-90% of players are done, and fission has already created the other 10-20%. It's just final tweaks so I'd maybe say...within a week?

Really hard to say given the impending holiday break.
@SnowyCasanova How are you getting kits? I've done some SA teams but I have no kits so I don't want to upload them yet...
Why not give them a shot yourself? All you have to do is edit their name, put their age in and change their appearance. If you aren't willing to atleast try then you need to be able to wait 4 months for IPL

Easy tiger calm down... i didn't say it has to be done now!!! and i was any good at making players then i wouldn't be asking @SnowyCasanova to make them! I have seen their work and thought it's no harm to ask!
@SnowyCasanova How are you getting kits? I've done some SA teams but I have no kits so I don't want to upload them yet...

@Llewelynf makes them. We organise a time for him to sneakily share them on the Academy, so we can download them, add them to our teams then upload a 'finished product' for everyone.

Some people have managed to download his kits in the brief time they've been available, but haven't had the completed players along with them.[DOUBLEPOST=1482149248][/DOUBLEPOST]
He knows a guy.

Well I ruined the sense of mystery.

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