Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Is it possible to tone down the processing power required? It's pretty laggy for me using an i5 with 4GB RAM and it crashed my computer this afternoon
Is it possible to tone down the processing power required? It's pretty laggy for me using an i5 with 4GB RAM and it crashed my computer this afternoon

I would recommend a i7 if people want this on pc for the future or consoles if money is tight.
Wonder how it lags on i5? Mine is Core2Duo 2.67GHz, 4GB RAM, 512MB Graphics, Win8Pro, and it works flawlessly.
The helmets don't seem to fit particularly well on the players. Is there a more natural looking fit in the game itself?
Mahn!! Seeing all your reviews about lags, I wonder how would the complete game run on my laptop. It will be utterly disappointing if it didn't.
Though I am having mouse issues, but CA runs with my controller just fine.
Hopefully the system requirements come up soon, so that we can manage accordingly
Is it possible to tone down the processing power required? It's pretty laggy for me using an i5 with 4GB RAM and it crashed my computer this afternoon

Try with a lower resolution (currently only done by editing the ini file).
Yea, works perfectly fine on my PC which is a AMD dual core with 2 GB RAM (although I do have a GeForce 6500 GT)!
Try with a lower resolution (currently only done by editing the ini file).

Made it 800x600 and changed the quality from 2 to 1 and it is now lag free. thanks.

You need darker coloured eyes, I've got mine the darkest brown available and it is nowhere near how dark mine are


I'm hoping (perhaps wishfully) that there will be a 'bowling technique/style' option in bowling attributes...
just getting a black screen without any error while clicking on it to open
what to do?
plzzzz i m trying from yesterday onwards
fix this problem ross


which directx version we have to use
Can any one tell me how to work in this program in Windowed mode rather than the full screen mode as I can easily see a reference picture of the player and work on it?
The helmets don't seem to fit particularly well on the players. Is there a more natural looking fit in the game itself?

I agree!!! Some of the beards/hair look pretty fake too :(!!! Some of the helmets look too big, including the real cricket helmet! It looks like a school kid is wearing it lol! Maybe BigAnt can patch that....or maybe when you play the game the helmet will look fine!!
I agree!!! Some of the beards/hair look pretty fake too :(!!! Some of the helmets look too big, including the real cricket helmet! It looks like a school kid is wearing it lol! Maybe BigAnt can patch that....or maybe when you play the game the helmet will look fine!!

The beards/hair/helmets look fine on the consoles, just having some issues on the PC.

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