Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Definitely back up by the end of the week.
And while you're in an answering mood, is there an ETA on 0.99b?
Same time as the server goes back to public access.

(I've not been in the office this week as the developer conference "GCAP" has been on in Melbourne.)
Will it become more clear on how to assign skills etc with the new update and have any of the deliveries been dropped from a bowlers arsenal?? EG off spinner not bowling flippers etc?
Same time as the server goes back to public access.

(I've not been in the office this week as the developer conference "GCAP" has been on in Melbourne.)

But wouldn't you want access to the servers, which I'm assuming will be connected to psn and xbox live networks, restricted to the folks who have a copy of the game? Wouldn't allowing access to servers which are on the "retail network", if you will, to all and sundry a risky proposition at this stage?
But wouldn't you want access to the servers, which I'm assuming will be connected to psn and xbox live networks, restricted to the folks who have a copy of the game? Wouldn't allowing access to servers which are on the "retail network", if you will, to all and sundry a risky proposition at this stage?

Why would it be risky exactly?
Why would it be risky exactly?

For one, the version people are using is a beta or a 'watered down" version of the real CA which will be available in the retail version. If the servers have been plugged into the psn/xbox live network, that server is the real thing and when you plug it to work with a beta or watered down version of CA, you will get inconsistent results on the back-end.

Simply put, the CA product must have been tested to work with the actual CA (the ones available on the retail copy for PS3, Xbox 360 etc.) and not with versions ".99", ".99a" or ".99b". Ask anyone who has deployed solutions what a pain in the @$$ versioning is and to manage multiple versions of a software. You will most likely see something break and to me it's not worth the risk.
It has to be done eventually though...if something does go haywire, it is better to fix it well prior to launch compared to having it fail at launch time and leaving consumers annoyed they can't download players/teams
There are several versions of the software, which as mentioned above are hard to maintain, however the major thing to get right is the server side, there is only one version of that.
Also wasn't it mentioned that the next update wouldn't be a beta??
Wouldn't every version be a Beta until V1.0 comes out, which is what is in the actual completed game?
i think AJ is half right, in that we were originally told after .99a the next update would be the "final" version. but obviously the linking issues could not be foreseen and the .99b became necessary. i.e. the original intention was to go from .99a to release and 1.0 but it obviously had to change when the issues became apparent.

ross, i was intrigued by the comment that the servers were beta. can you expand on that? i presume you just meant that they were servers dedicated to the beta CA, or was there some new architecture or something on the server itself that was also "beta"?

i assume the move of CA to the "retail pipes" doesn't imply release is especially imminent (though it's obviously a step closer) as that will also trigger significant testing?
i think AJ is half right, in that we were originally told after .99a the next update would be the "final" version. but obviously the linking issues could not be foreseen and the .99b became necessary. i.e. the original intention was to go from .99a to release and 1.0 but it obviously had to change when the issues became apparent.

ross, i was intrigued by the comment that the servers were beta. can you expand on that? i presume you just meant that they were servers dedicated to the beta CA, or was there some new architecture or something on the server itself that was also "beta"?

i assume the move of CA to the "retail pipes" doesn't imply release is especially imminent (though it's obviously a step closer) as that will also trigger significant testing?

Once we confirmed the issues with the Original Creator were real we decided to close public access to the server to protect the sanctity of the database (we do care about the original creator being credited).

Since taking it offline we decided to keep it so until we had the PSN/Xbox360 connections through the live retail console systems (we had previously only been connecting through Dev Kits and the various Dev networks).

The servers were Beta until recently, there is more time to get them right than the game itself as it is a digital platform and can change all the way to day zero. Testing is done on the test networks, never on the live ones.
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Once we confirmed the issues with the Original Creator were real we decided to close public access to the server to protect the sanctity of the database (we do care about the original creator being credited).

Since taking it offline we decided to keep it so until we had the PSN/Xbox360 connections through the live retail console systems (we had previously only been connecting through Dev Kits and the various Dev networks).

The servers were Beta until recently, there is more time to get them right than the game itself as it is a digital platform and can change all the way to day zero. Testing is done on the test networks, never on the live ones.

so it does imply imminent release... that's what i took from that.

just kidding. thanks for the explanation.

cough. skills. cough.

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