Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

We would have liked the "change" of mind when advancing, we just can't work out how to make that happen.

We were discussing today that perhaps we need a "time" slider in future versions so that you can slow down/speed up time to your individual level, with difficulty being a separate setting. That's the only way it would become playable.

God Ross I was thinking the same thing at work and forgot to post it. My idea is to slow down time and the better your skill the more you can do outside your crease. Sure a little different to yours but I see where this is going, great idea Bigant.:clap


I was also thinking maybe normal shots for advancing just like the drives and other shots in the game and the power button for dangerous shots.


Are there any other animations/shots in the full game that are yet to be copied over to Nets in CA? :)

Animations is a yes but shots I don't know.
Wow! That'll be great indeed, Thanx Ross,,,@Isra - Lol, though I would love for this to be the last update before the game, or at least an update that will come together with the release of the release date
We would have liked the "change" of mind when advancing, we just can't work out how to make that happen.

We were discussing today that perhaps we need a "time" slider in future versions so that you can slow down/speed up time to your individual level, with difficulty being a separate setting. That's the only way it would become playable.

if this is going to be updated in the dbc 14, varying game speed would be nice and easier to implement with the finished game.....

but for future versions may be you can think about separating footwork from the shot as in as soon as we press the LS the respective footwork should happen and then RS the we will be able to decide to hit through or block it..

im dont know if the existing animation system will give this kind of control over the player,but have seen a few pupettering based animation control system demos where we can have full control over various arts of the body....
Not sure if this is the right thread but this version seems to introduce an undesirable effect for me against spin, which is that it's now too slow to get a pull shot away, no matter how short they are.

If tried with the settings on fixed speed / leg spin / on short of length or marker, can't seem to find anything to pull. You can still get cut shots away from shorter deliveries. What should be a pulling length is now something you can get down and sweep to attack.

Comparing it with this 9994a video I made from leg spin on random (though it bowls short almost all the time for some reason) there seems to be quite a lot more pace and bounce in the older version, and it was no problem getting pulls or cuts away with the right footwork.

Maybe it was a tad too much bounce on 9994a - although spinners are pretty bouncy and it seemed fairly realistic to me at the time - but surely it can't be right now if you can't pull a spinner at stock speed when they drop short.

I tried it on legend and a little on veteran but it didn't seem to make any difference.

Anyone else noticed this?

eta I should probably add that I hardly played any spin on 9994b, so not sure where that stands in relation to the other two
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Are there any other animations/shots in the full game that are yet to be copied over to Nets in CA? :)

Personally I don't want this question answered.. we need some surprises in the game. There is enough there at the moment to keep us interested.
You'd think there would be some animations for when the batsman gets hit.

Anyway, slider sounds like a good idea and depending on what speed range the slider is in, it could correspond to a particular difficulty setting.
They turned off injuries for the nets, but we will see some injury animations in the full game. :)

Hence why I said the above. I should have made it clear I was referring to the comments a few posts up about whether there will be additional batsman animations in the game we haven't seen yet.
I've noticed with the academy that if you time a shot too late, especially wehn you advance that instead of the usual movements that the player makes, he just jumps into position. Not sure if there is really a fix for this but I find it slightly annoying. Also is there a way of changing the batsman that you use within the nets? I think it would be cool to be able to use your own player or your hero or something similar.
I've noticed with the academy that if you time a shot too late, especially wehn you advance that instead of the usual movements that the player makes, he just jumps into position. Not sure if there is really a fix for this but I find it slightly annoying. Also is there a way of changing the batsman that you use within the nets? I think it would be cool to be able to use your own player or your hero or something similar.

You can select your own player/hero in the full game in the nets, just not in the beta!
I swear in the first version of the nets, the Don would pull his leg up to defend his body, like he was bracing for the hit. Can't remember if I've seen it since.
I'm not sure if this is the case in the game, but I'd like to see the time minimised between each play. I recall some cricket games (SW'99 may have been a culprit) where a passage of play would end - ie batsman blocks ball and fielder collects and throws it to keeper - and then there would be a delay of quite a few seconds and then you'd have to watch some other animations, etc. before you face the bowler running in again.

I'd like to have the option of pressing a button and it's straight back to the bowler about to run in, rather than faffing about with other extraneous action that just takes up time and frustrates you.
Here's a vid of 9994c against spin illustrating the problem I mentioned earlier.

I've tried fixed and random speed and specific and random spin but the result is the same. This is really quite short for any sort of spinner but there's almost no bounce at all.
Not really much on an explanation unless every delivery is supposed to be a 30mph top spinner.

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