Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

I always forget to mention one very minor thing about CA which I liked. I noticed that as soon you quit the CA (not alt tabbing out), the whole application shuts down in less than a second; there isn't even a slight bit of hang/lagg/wait during the shut down process - Quit CA and the next thing you see is the desktop.

Considering I don't have a very powerful PC (w.r.t gaming), I find that really impressive (other games usually have a wait period ranging anywhere between 1-3 seconds) :thumbs Is this something that was given a thought about Ross?
It's just that the game is so well optimized. The fact that the nets run's even ok on my tablet (although for a tablet it is decently powered) is saying something.

I'll be starting a thread tonight where I will get people to post their detailed PC specifications so a list of what performance is gotten out of different PC's. This is aimed at assisting those people who are planning on building a PC or upgrading to be able to hopefully get the best out of the full game due to the lack of recommended hardware specs.
ross one thing i noticed in the Nets with the random setting is that the line doesn't seem to change between right and left hand batsman, the bowling machine bowls the same to both left and right hand batsman the same deliveries..
That's probably right, there's no AI code in the CA at all.
I've noticed lots of incorrect stats in this version - will they be updated?

also, the swear filter is a bit over-zealous. the "real" first player in the South Africa All Time Team is called Adcock, and comes out now as A-Censored, I've had to call him ADC0CK to make it look semi-ok
Thanks BD, can you please give one or two examples in a PM of incorrect stats?

That's the Microsoft filter in play, Essex, etc as discussed before are issues, it even blocks "Root" in Australia...there is an exception list that is hosted online but will no doubt have missed some words.
Thanks BD, can you please give one or two examples in a PM of incorrect stats?

That's the Microsoft filter in play, Essex, etc as discussed before are issues, it even blocks "Root" in Australia...there is an exception list that is hosted online but will no doubt have missed some words.

yep will do... I spotted a few in the all time teams I uploaded today so I will check again now and PM you - it mostly seems to be bowlers having 0 runs against.
Thanks, only need a couple as examples for the guys in the office to look at.

Putting "0" in the name will make them hard to search for, not that I have an alternative for you save perhaps adding a character to the end of their name so they will still be found.
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Ross will we ever be able to put our own images onto shirts in CA? You've probably answered this question before but I couldn't find an answer so I asked you anyway.
Ross will we ever be able to put our own images onto shirts in CA? You've probably answered this question before but I couldn't find an answer so I asked you anyway.

Not on this iteration, maybe in the future.
So when would that be? I would guess you are planning to release a new iteration around every 2 years as that would seem to be about the right length of time as cricket is not as big as Soccer. But I'd like to hear your thoughts before I start rumors :p
I would love to have yearly releases but need to see how sales are before we can commit to that.
To be realistic I can't see you getting enough money to release every year due to cricket not quite being popular enough globaly in places like the US but I really hope I'm proved wrong as you seem to have an excellent product with massive potential. I would love for there to be one evry year and would buy every year. I also would like to say how impressed I've been with the way you've spent so much time talking with the community. I was never going to buy AC13 no matter how good it was as I'd already decided to buy from you. So thanks Ross. P.S I'm sounding a bit like a suckup LOL :D
I like what normally happens with most of the other Tru Blu sports games - a release every two/three years with DLC updates each year to keep them fresh.

Obviously DBC doesn't have licenses to make a roster update worth paying for, but a few extra features, new stadiums, etc as a $10-$20 update between releases would be far nicer than getting an 'all new' release every year that makes incremental improvements.
I like what normally happens with most of the other Tru Blu sports games - a release every two/three years with DLC updates each year to keep them fresh.

Obviously DBC doesn't have licenses to make a roster update worth paying for, but a few extra features, new stadiums, etc as a $10-$20 update between releases would be far nicer than getting an 'all new' release every year that makes incremental improvements.

The other difference is that it is somewhat in or control as to whether patches and updates occur. I think you can see from the regular updates to the CA that we are of the mindset to keep tweaking the game with patches after release.

I believe that we will need to balance the game after release as we've really just taken a best guess at where we think the market is. I am loathe to make promises but I expect we would need at least one major balancing patch after getting feedback from those playing the game. The game may be too hard, too easy, and of course there will be exploits found.

I think we will get more stadia on board that might make a paid update worth it, otherwise I think you are right.
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