Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

Will we be getting an extra menu item in the homescreen this time? Under player and team creator...

I understand where you're coming from, and you are right, each tab is a major functional addition, but no new tab this time around.
Not sure if it has been there from before or not....

But the "likes" for players do not match when i access the players through player online community (accurate likes) vs. the team online community to view players in a team (many of the players like number seem reset to 1)

Noticed they are creating duplicate entries for certain players. That is why the discrepency in the 'like' numbers. While trying to share players they ask for overwrites for half of them while the other half seems to become duplicate entry. No the names haven't changed. I just changed certain cosmetic features.
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Not sure if this issue has been pointed out here or not, but i'm still going ahead with the description.

Although i've been keeping a tab of new updates of Cricket Academy beta through Big Ant FB page, i've not had chance to update build on my system. Just now, I launched the app, went on "Rising Players" tab and looked up a few players. When I hit 'O' on a player created by me, it showed me all other players created by me. But when I hit enter on a particular player created by someone else, it prompted me to log-in. Then on the log-in tab, an alert panel came up which told me that I'm using an outdated version while a new update is available online. I could "Launch website" or "Update Later", as the options on the particular panel said. This is where i encountered an unexpected behavior, while "Launch website" did launch the website and started download, but "Update Later" didn't respond. Since I had earlier hit enter on particular player, it continually prompted me to download. There was just now way to navigate back to previous page. Escape didn't work. Ultimately had to take the brute force way (i.e. Ctrl + Alt + Del -> Task Manager).
Not sure if this issue has been pointed out here or not, but i'm still going ahead with the description.

Although i've been keeping a tab of new updates of Cricket Academy beta through Big Ant FB page, i've not had chance to update build on my system. Just now, I launched the app, went on "Rising Players" tab and looked up a few players. When I hit 'O' on a player created by me, it showed me all other players created by me. But when I hit enter on a particular player created by someone else, it prompted me to log-in. Then on the log-in tab, an alert panel came up which told me that I'm using an outdated version while a new update is available online. I could "Launch website" or "Update Later", as the options on the particular panel said. This is where i encountered an unexpected behavior, while "Launch website" did launch the website and started download, but "Update Later" didn't respond. Since I had earlier hit enter on particular player, it continually prompted me to download. There was just now way to navigate back to previous page. Escape didn't work. Ultimately had to take the brute force way (i.e. Ctrl + Alt + Del -> Task Manager).

Definitely check this out today - thanks for posting the issue.
Can't remember if I posted this or not... But a small bug on the "player-card" share feature where characters wearing glasses have their glasses removed upon hitting the "share" button when you're set to "default". The glasses stay on Batting/Bowling poses, but not on the default pose.

Just a heads up. Was able to create a card anyways using a bit of Photoshop magic though, pretty happy with the beard-splitting categories. Can really get them right. Now just need some more frames for spectacles! ;)
Hey Ross, were you able to recreate the duplicate entry for the same players in the server thing? just to clear things up, for certain players I seemed to have multiple ones in the server..

old upload with say 3 likes
new upload with the new changes in face but with 1 like

and no I did not change the names or anything.
Can we expect a slider to adjust the depth of the cranium and head?..Since it is very important.
What would be really cool is the following: in Cricket Coach you can make a league or competition and create teams for that and the game will add players for you so you dont have to create all the players yourself.....any chances?
What would be really cool is the following: in Cricket Coach you can make a league or competition and create teams for that and the game will add players for you so you dont have to create all the players yourself.....any chances?

For international competitions we ship with teams on the disk (which you can update of course via the database of players on Cricket Academy).

There is also a random player / team generator as somewhat exists in Cricket Academy already (the amount of randomisation depends on how deep you are in the menu).

I will check out Cricket Coach again tomorrow and see how this compares.


Can we expect a slider to adjust the depth of the cranium and head?..Since it is very important.

I'll talk to the art team tomorrow and see what they think.

PS: love the sig :)


Hey Ross, were you able to recreate the duplicate entry for the same players in the server thing? just to clear things up, for certain players I seemed to have multiple ones in the server..

old upload with say 3 likes
new upload with the new changes in face but with 1 like

and no I did not change the names or anything.

We did have an issue between the first release and the second that saw some duplication. We will endeavour to consolidate these at some point and make sure the votes are additive.
For international competitions we ship with teams on the disk (which you can update of course via the database of players on Cricket Academy).

There is also a random player / team generator as somewhat exists in Cricket Academy already (the amount of randomisation depends on how deep you are in the menu).

I will check out Cricket Coach again tomorrow and see how this compares.


Yeah I have noticed the randomisation part....throws up some pretty interesting characters. It would be great if you could set a number of parameters for the randomisation process. In Cricket Coach I designed my own Dutch three tiered domestic competition with 24 fictional teams taking part. The game generated all the players for the various teams with the right amount of squad members, bowlers, batsmen etcetera and even gave typically sounding Dutch names to all the players. Now I do not even know whether it is possible to create own competitions but something in this way would be brilliant.

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One suggestion (I believe it was mentioned before)...

have an option for each individual player to have the team kits enforced on him or not.

Currently once I enforce a certain hat on everyone in the squad I can't change it for one player to have a different hat. If I try to do that, I have to make individual kits for everyone else in the team also. But if I had an option with a checkbox that says "use current team hats/shoes/pads/helment" in the player customization screens, we will have the ability to change just one player's look.
hi Ross...after I changed d shirt of the team or a player with all new included style in this update...i can preview it...but when i go to save d wont save it with applied new it normal or m i doing anything wrong...also it wud be great while we have Lagaan hat, gloves and have pants and singlets to make it perfect Lagaan team...what u say??
One suggestion (I believe it was mentioned before)...

have an option for each individual player to have the team kits enforced on him or not.

Currently once I enforce a certain hat on everyone in the squad I can't change it for one player to have a different hat. If I try to do that, I have to make individual kits for everyone else in the team also. But if I had an option with a checkbox that says "use current team hats/shoes/pads/helment" in the player customization screens, we will have the ability to change just one player's look.

I agree....there should be an option to override the team settings for stuff like helmets, pads, gloves, arm guards
I agree....there should be an option to override the team settings for stuff like helmets, pads, gloves, arm guards

Yes, we can set the 'default', but can then also turn it off for single players.
I agree....there should be an option to override the team settings for stuff like helmets, pads, gloves, arm guards

I think there should be the option instead to override the main colour so it matches with the kit, that way everyone can be different but have there main team kit match

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