Cricket Academy Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs Thread

We found the issue and it will be fixed in the update that is coming on Friday.
Are all these sort of things just parts that were broken as part of adding things with the beta of it on PCs, or will there need to be an update to the released game to fix things in the Cricket Academy?
Most of the issues have been server side, rarely in Cricket Academy itself. We're yet to find an issue in the game as we have tested that more heavily than Cricket Academy.
How about when playing the game ?, do you still find lots of problems. PS Not as many as ashes I would guess.:p
First class cricket in India is played just when the winters arrive here. So please take care of the seasonal locations mentioned in the CA for other countries too.:thumbs

Good point mate. Hope they've got the months and the climate right for FC cricket in India especially in the career mode. You don't want Ranji matches going on in the middle of July, all drenched and flooded grounds!
Having a 'Biggs' moment here, sorry. I've noticed this for quite a while now;

lol - someone here will have a look at it :)
I've just noticed something, quickly flicked through the thread and didn't see it reported. If you're setting a left-handed spin bowler, the game seems to suggest than an "Orthodox" spinner does leg spin while a "Chinaman" spinner does Off Spin; which is obviously backwards. The only way this makes sense is if it comparing the movement of the standard delivery to right handed bowlers (i.e. a Left-Hand Leg Break moves the same direction as a Right-Hand Off Break); and even then, it seems confusing even for someone who knows cricket. Just to confirm that when the game is released, left hand bowlers will bowl the right type of spin?

I know this is months old; but is there any news on this? Its not a gamebreaker; but it would be shame if such a thorough game made a mistake on such a small, but yet so obvious thing!
Last night when i opened CA, at the beginning i got a massage from the CA SERVER that its going to update on 26 friday and some issue thingy i was in hurry so cudnt read it well.:p
Last night when i opened CA, at the beginning i got a massage from the CA SERVER that its going to update on 26 friday and some issue thingy i was in hurry so cudnt read it well.:p

Wow! Now that is service.....a massage from the CA Server....lucky boy.
Yeah bro, after that massage i tried to restart & t read it again but didnt come lol

What kind of massage was it?

I was in so hurry,i just pressed ok w/o reading it but i got kinda lucky to check the half of it for 2 seconds due to my slow CA. Im sure that its says CA updating on 26 friday and the word "issue fixing". Lmao. I swear
I was in so hurry,i just pressed ok w/o reading it but i got kinda lucky to check the half of it for 2 seconds due to my slow CA. Im sure that its says CA updating on 26 friday and the word "issue fixing". Lmao. I swear

Dont worry mate I believe you. I am not quite sure you get the joke. But it is okay. No harm done or meant

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