Cricket Coach - Bugs thread

the one error i keep getting is upon making bowling changes....
for karachi urban, i put Danish into bowl and it just crashes. For pakistan, put Razzaq in first change...crashes again! this game is pretty decent, but hopefully they sort this out and release it w/o bugs
I like the feel of the game, and it if the bugs are fixed I will pay for it. I have started 3 4-day games, but am yet to complete any because it crashes consistantly.

I have noticed that Queenslands abbreviation is QSD instead of QLD also.

I appreciate the work Oli and Glenn have done, but if you are going to sell this game for the price you have on it, you better fix the many bugs. I would have preferred to wait a few extra weeks for the game rather than play it with the bugs and get a negative opinion of it.

Otherwise, I quite like the game.
Another unrealistic bug I noticed ; or a few:

In every innings there always seems to be a century.
Essex were 250 all out, Cook got 213 of those runs.
Sri Lanka had a run-rate of about 5 in a Test Match.

EDIT: A few gameplay errors:
When you press Alt+Tab to minimize the game when you reload it the game sometimes crashes.
The mouse isn't alligned - this is very annoying as sometimes when you press on Continue it minimizes the game, therefore it crashes.
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aus5892 said:
Close all windows before playing it

Because you didn't bat well with them.

I batted well with England against Sri Lanka. Australia just seem to be rubbish. The AI australia is crap aswell.
Drewska said:
I batted well with England against Sri Lanka. Australia just seem to be rubbish. The AI australia is crap aswell.
I did fine, no offense but theyre good for me.
Im having the same problem as some of the other's.On running the game in full screen it just shows a black screen and returns back to desktop.Whereas while running them in windowed it gives me a couple of errors messages(something to do with keyboard and unable to initisialise).
I played the game a fair bit yesterday (as England), got through the whole series (test+ODI) against SL and two tests into Pakistan series.

I didn't experience any crashes, but then this is a fairly new PC with a fresh XP install on it...

However, I think there are some serious issues with the game engine which mean that I won't be buying it (at least until I see some feedback on improved patches - which may take some time given the number of fundamental playability bugs that other people are experiencing).

The good news is that the test engine isn't too bad. All that needs fixing is:

a) Too easy to score lots of runs on the most aggressive batting sessions. Pieterson & Flintoff creamed both the SL & Pakistan attacks (600-6 dec against SL, 800 (yes 800) - 5 declared against Pakistan. Double hundreds for Vaughan and Pieterson & big hundred for Flintoff.

b) Too easy to take wickets on all out attack (regularly knocked the opposition over for 100-200 runs).

c) Opposition bat too slowly in tests (takes 80 overs to score 180 runs, even when batting first. Not realistic on a UK pitch).

d) Over rates are too high. Even with 4 seam bowlers, still manage to finish 90 overs by 17.30 in UK tests. Highly unlikely! If any spinners bowl then 90 overs is complete by 17.00 and we get an extra half hour.

That was the good news.

The bad news is that the one day engine is appalling.

Typical winning scores are 200 runs (typical score is between 150-200 runs, although I have seen Zim bat for 50 overs and score 100-1!!!)

Even Aus vs. Ban, Aus only got 280 as the top score...

I've struggled to put big scores up even with all out attack from the start (that got me to 250-280 range). But had no trouble defending, and England won the one day series 4-0 against SL which is unlikely.

General bugs:

a) Can't set fields can only choose aggression levels.
b) All sorts of irritating UI bugs (getting told batsman from the bowling team is out is a common one), having to click several times to take new ball. Having to remember to select opening bowler for next days play at the close because you can't set it the next day. etc.

All in all, the inevitable comparison with ICC is that the 5 year old ICC has a better game engine and better presentation, which is a shame as Oli's previous game MVCC was pretty good.

I fell the attempt to put a 2D engine in was a mistake and it has meant that the game has ended up something like CM5 vs. FM2005...
Whenever I try and bowl any leg-spinner or left arm chinaman I get the 'encountered an error' message and the game crashes.
Is anybody gonne even buy it, NO OFFence ?
im just curious if it stops after its been purchased
also what is the link to the website
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wardog to fix the spinners game crash.
For some stupid reason they almost always default to setting 9/8 ofcourse there is no 9th setting so it crashes, just change it down a level.

Amazing this never happened when they tested the game :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Posted on another forum but thought you would also like to see it.

Oli Norwell said:
We've managed to clear the now infamous keyboard bug. It was simply a line of code that didn't need to be there, and yes I'll hold my hands up to that one, a genuine mistake.

As for the match engine scores being unrealistic, we fiddled around with the match engine a lot during the last week, in an attempt to make it more realistic. It worked in that most results did become more realistic, however, we simply didn't have enough time to test it properly, and yes I agree you can get some wacky scores if you set the batting aggression to various settings.

Now in the coming days/weeks we will get more of a chance to test/optimise the engine, and things will get better. As promised we will release updates and so those who have bought the game will enjoy an improved gameplay experience each time.

What we're going to do is get a new version out during the next few days, thanks to the feedback we've got from this version I'm pretty sure the title will run a lot better on people's systems.

From reading various posts I get the feeling that people think that we knew all about all of these bugs, and that we just deliberatley released the game to cash in or something. I can promise you nothing is further from the truth, yep we screwed up a bit with the keyboard error, and yes it would have been a great idea to run a beta test, say last week, to test the game on a wider variety of systems. However the game runs perfectly on our systems and so we didn't feel a need to concentrate on compatibility, instead we concentrated on improving certain gameplay elements.

So if you've bought the game and are having some issues, then please bear with us, once these are sorted and the match engine becomes a bit more stable we're sure you'll be pleased with your purchase.

Oli Norwell

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