Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Kurt, just tried the new patch and Ive noticed the 'Cocaine Speed' has slipped back in... Had it on slow and it was way to quick to play anything...

Also, do you have a list of sounds that are coded into the game but arent used? IE. A crowd cheer when a 4/6 has been hit, a call of 'catch it' if the ball is lofted to a fielder, maybe a few different chants that could added of the crowd loop

Kurt, the last patch I had was the one you last worked on for the speed, 2.593 maybe?

Also, Are you able to make a sound slider just for crowd noises? It seems as the turning the music down also turns the crowd noises down :(
Ok hers the thing... only one stump model will be cloned 6 times in game and only that stump will animate which that ball is hit to..... so that makes sense huh.... :p
Kurt, I'm slowly getting some clips together for you... Are you able to create a cutscene for when the batsman reaches a milstone? Say when theyve hit 50, 100, 150 and so on?... Maybe the camera pans to the batsman and he raises his bat? only has to be simple... I've got the perfect crowd clip for that :yes
@Ashu: Yes, that's correct :) There's only 1 bail and 1 stump model. Each gets duplicated to show the correct number.

@plexus: Yup, I'll add an ambient sound slider. I can definitely add the cutscene for milestones. I'll comission Buko to do the extra animations.
corruption everywhere :p btw I have extremely high poly and HQ stump models.... :D

So far did 3 animations-
Fallen back
Slight movement left and Right (you could use them individually as well as together)


cut-scenes for umpire signals will be even better....


and celebration cut-scenes will be extra icing...
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@Ashu: High poly is fine :) The umpires are actually animated already. If you guys have any ideas for umpire cutscene, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I have the pandasoft plugin, the only issue being that I have Max 2013, and the plugin is only available for up to 2012. I will see if I still have the installer around. Crud, I lost the license for it. Oh well I get it free anyway. Good to know they use max though.

Um Ashu, we need the video url...


Ha! I still have the installer and the licence! Will install it on the other computer tomorrow, dunno how much more my poor laptop can take
Now we can enter this:
Great news about new animations......

RE Umpire animations, I am going to make a (slightly dodgy) suggestion, add a massive delay before the raising of the finger in the animation. Because atm as soon as they appeal it's given out. So just have the animation go for longer and have it do nothing at the start. And the batsmen FOW notice won't come up until that animation is finished. And make it so we can at least see the umpire and bowler when a decision is made.
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