Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@Allrounder18: I prefer not to randomize things like that in the game, though. So this is catered for already to an extent because even just having the seam a fraction off will reduce the amount of swing. I've also implemented the fact that not all bowlers will manage to keep the seam upright, so this also affects the amount of swing. I can, however, tweak that part of the feature. Similarly, when bowling cutters the amount of movement is dependent on how much of the seam grips in the surface.
Yea definitely tweak it so that it reflects that its not necessary that even in pace friendly conditions and with highly skilled bowler ,its not necessary that bowl will swing 100% of the time.
True, but in real life that's down to minute things like seam and wrist position (and even the wind). I'll see what I can come up with later :)
BTW does the management simulation mode looks like ICC games score card with "next over" button and agg bars? or is it different. Cant wait to see it actually though thats why asking :D
Screenshots are welcome.
@Allrounder18: Nope, the bars are on the separate management screen. The sim view shows a summary of the match state & commentary wth sim buttons at the bottom. I'll add a button to take you directly to the management screens though.
Do it do it do it lol ,Can you do a fast patch including these buttons in next 4 hours ?[DOUBLEPOST=1424859471][/DOUBLEPOST]Also the latest patch includes the crash fix for characterstics right?
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