Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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@Allrounder18: Again, it's a sliding scale for the golden arm. There's no particular point where you should introduce him into the attack. If you feel the partnership is getting too big, just bring him on and see what happens. Similarly, the technician's ability is based on a sliding scale - he plays the new ball especially well and goes back to his normal stats later on. The stone waller is just someone who prefers to block and build an inning. He's not necessarily a consistent batsman. I could possibly do an inconsistent batter trait; will see about that later.

Wrt management style career mode - haven't considered that yet, but it could be done. Again, that'll take some time to do, so don't expect anything this week :)[DOUBLEPOST=1424871459][/DOUBLEPOST]@Allrounder18: Can you dump all your ideas about traits into one post for me to look at later please? It's scattered all over the place and I'm losing track of things.
@kurtkz management mode is a great edition to the game... especially players like me, who love to simulate matches... but there need to be more in it... like direct access to Batting and Bowling Stats from Management mode page... also need to add save button too in the page... after simulate overs, cpu automatically changes the bowlers for next overs... so need a button to select a new bowler from page it self, before we sim next over... and if we can do players management [adjust players agg and etc] in page it self, than it will be great...
How about Inconsistent batter trait?
A player with this trait either gets 15% boost to its attribute at the start of the match or 25% reduction in his attribute. This will make Afridi type player.

Concentration loser is easier to setup ,if a players score 20+ runs his attributes take a hit say by 30% thus making him more likely to get out.

How about team morale booster trait if a player with that trait score certain amount of runs say 40+ or pickups 2 or more wkts all team get 15% boost in their attributes for the rest of the match.

Also a leader trait should increase all team attributes by 5% ,more leaders better team imagine Australia 1999-2007.

Lol one more how about mentor trait , if a player with this trait comes out to bat his batting partner gets a 15% boost to his attributes.
@Raghu: set the bowling team to managed control and you should be able to select bowlers too

yes i can select bowlers... for to do that, i need to press PLAY button first, than select bowlers... that will lead to actual game, and than press pause, go to simulate page and go to management page... so i need it to be simpler, like if we press new bowler button and select bowler and continue the game in management mode...
Can you setup managemen style career mode in couple of weeks time?[DOUBLEPOST=1424875404][/DOUBLEPOST]Here are the things that management mode screen should include.
1)Score card of the match
2)Players agg bars
3)Sim Buttons
4)Change bowler button
@Raghu: When you start your game are you doing the following?

1. go to Menu -> Team Controls
2. set both to be Managed
3. go to Menu -> Simulation -> Management Sim

if you do this, you should never have to leave the Management Sim view. When you need to choose a batsman or bowler, the relevant screen will pop up.

@Allrounder18: Essentially the management sim view will be either the batting or bowling management view with sim over buttons at the bottom.
RUN @ 25/02/2015 22:31:45

DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.792
PROFILE: newgame1

MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateSimulate.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateSimulate.cs:line 517
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 22096
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5688
This time I think I am not using any traits
still crashed.
RUN @ 25/02/2015 22:38:26

DEMO: False
VERSION: 2.792
PROFILE: newgame1

MESSAGE: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

STACK TRACE: at Cricket.Main.GameStateSimulate.ProcessVisual(Single ms, Single ms2) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameStateSimulate.cs:line 517
at Cricket.Main.GameInstance.Loop() in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\GameInstance.cs:line 22096
at Cricket.Main.Game.Main(String[] args) in d:\Projects\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3D\Cricket Heroesv3\Cricket Heroes\Main\Game.cs:line 5688
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