Cricket Heroes - testing & feedback

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Need to bump up the offcutter quiet a bit currently its barely noticeable when seam set to 100 and bowler with a high offcutter skill. Leg cutter is fine now.
What does maverick and finisher trait do? (Finisher might have attributes shoot up at the end of the inning right if not then what does it do ,Kindly explain me in programming terms :))[DOUBLEPOST=1424926043][/DOUBLEPOST]Does the manage player screen show scorecard/summary now? basically it would be great if we can control the management mode from a single screen.
BTW you dont have control over bowler selection in management mode if you wish to play using simulation only.[DOUBLEPOST=1424926074][/DOUBLEPOST]@dancingmongoose
Does the game support online play? would love to play a game with you :)

So, I'm not going to tweak it any more than it currently is - here's why: leg and off cutters don't use separate physics. The physics is the same. What's likely happening here is that you're bowling the off cutter *away* from off stump. You would need to get a crazy amount of revolutions at that pace to get the ball to grip and cut back in. However, if you bowl it towards off stump you will get more exaggerated movement. You can confirm this by bowling a ball and checking the ball path in the delivery summary view.

For management mode, have you set the bowling team's control to management. Without that you won't get to select bowlers.

Also it supports online play but I can't afford servers so you'll need to setup port forwarding on your router.
What do you mean by "more variation in seam position based on bowler skill" ?[DOUBLEPOST=1424926800][/DOUBLEPOST]@kurtkz
Can you do a small thing in the next patch so that every player in the roster have 2 randomized traits?

So, based on your bowling skill the seam position will be adjusted slightly from what you actually selected.

I'm not going to add randomized traits though. That'll just break the default balance.[DOUBLEPOST=1424928589][/DOUBLEPOST]
Will there be any conflict b/w traits?
Say for eg what will happen if we select stone waller and slogger together? Surely the game will not crash right?

Nope, the game won't crash. Mixing traits works just fine :)
How do I setup port forwarding ,If my memory serves right you need a port number and then i dont remember. Do you help me in this aspect?
Also dancingmongoose would like to have a game with me?

BTW I would miss Muhammad Asif's huge offcuters in this game :(
I will fill the Pak team with
2)Nervous Starter
3)Irresponsible Players

Lets see if it behaves like current pak team's batting :)[DOUBLEPOST=1424929386][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW does manage player screen show scorecard/summary now?
How about street smart trait for a batsmen
Batsmen with that trait will have more placement and running skill moreover his batting partner will also get 30% boost to his running skill.
Since when does a bad runner become a great runner because his partner is a great runner?

Spoiler: Never, just ask Shane Watson
Well street smart players forces their batting partner to run harder than normal. (eg Javed Miandad ,Fawad Alam)[DOUBLEPOST=1424934379][/DOUBLEPOST]Also for more power which keys needed to be held for longer period is it I , O ,K , L keys or the WASD keys?
@dancingmongoose: I still need to up the running speed of career mode players. Thanks for the reminder :)

@Allrounder18: I'll see what I can come up with, but dancingmongoose is right - running speed shouldn't be affected. Temperament and such should be though.[DOUBLEPOST=1424934751][/DOUBLEPOST]@Allrounder18: The QWEASDZXC keys determine power (assuming Auto Power is off)
Nope, that won't do anything. Drift is determined by the speed of the delivery and the number of revolutions. Slow the ball down and give it a rip and you'll likely get drift.
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