I was lying in bed about a month ago, and the idea of "Cricket Risk" came to me.
For those of you who don't know "Risk" is a strategic board game, based around global domination. Pretty much it's a turn based game, in which you deploy armies, and fight battles using dice to determine the outcomes. Personally it's one of my favourite games, but because of the long nature of it I don't often get to play it.
If you're still reading by know, you're probably thinking what does this have to do with cricket?
Pretty much I'll be looking to replace the armies with cricket players, and instead of the battles being decided with dice they'll be decided with a cricket match.
How do we run this on a forum?
Pretty much instead of being turned based, you're all have your turn at the same time by PMing me what you want to do, then I'll sim all the battles in cricsim, and post the results in the thread. And this will carry on until we have a winner.
I'd probably be looking to have a very basic game to start off with, but because of how it works there are a lot of more complicated rules which can be added in if the first game's a success.
I'm still working through the complications of the game, so ATM I'm just wondering if anyone is interested, and if it's worth me continuing to work through the complications?
(BTW incase you're a little confused, everything would be run here on the forum)