Cricket Mafia - MaD & Abhas win!

The MVP of Cricket Mafia is...

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Bah! This is confusing, lets see how it goes...

If you think those roles are confusing, you haven't seen actual Mafia being played. Those are pretty normal. Roles that moderators invent and such are actually quite confusing. An example of a confusing role would be:

8) Time Trapper (Cosmic Boy) / Mafia / Time Masters
You are the Time Trapper. Under your purple robes you are the man who used to be Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn). You have several very powerful abilities that will be absolutely essential to your team?s victory. Because you were a Legionnaire, you will cop as town.
-Time Manipulation - Fast Forward: Skip Day Phase (This power can only be used after Kang or Epoch has been killed.) This power can only be used once.
- Time Manipulation - Fast Forward: End Day Phase up to 4 hours early. (The day phase will end according to the time stamp on the PM you send me regardless of whether or not I am online at the time. Any posts that occur after your PM to me will be ignored.) This power can only be used twice.
- Time Manipulation - Rewind: Once during the game, at the Mod?s discretion, you can resubmit the Mafia?s actions. The mod will invoke this power when the actions submitted by the Mafia would lead to a substantial and significant failure for the Mafia. This power can only be used once. Note: I will post the original write up, followed by the 2nd write up.
- Rewrite time: When a Time Trapper is killed, a remaining Time Trapper can rework time in order to exchange his/her power set with the power set of the dead Time Trapper. This new power set becomes the Time Trapper?s permanent power set. Example: TT: Controller dies and the team decides that the RB powers are more useful than TT: Glorinth?s Busdriver powers. TT: Glorinth can give up her powers and permanently take TT: Controller?s powers. This is a free action.

@ Highlander - Well, I doubt there's going to be a role called prostitute in Cricket Mafia. :p So wish for something else.

A lot of those roles can be renamed to fit the game more, so yeah, if Prostitute is included, it wouldn't be called prostitute.
i'd like to be a mafia hitman, although i don't know which cricketer that resembles.
Umm, I hope we dont need to memorize all those roles :o

No you don't. You just need to know how to use them in a context of the game. Which you learn by playing Mafia more.

I've written around 10 roles thus far, hopefully I'll get it all done today, but I've got some Physics case study planning due tomorrow, so we'll see. It's why I've asked Ollie to co-mod, so he can do the write-ups in case I'm not around.
Just to let you know, this will be a lot more complex than the last one. Anyone blowing up my noob meter will be prodded.

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