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- Joined
- Aug 6, 2004
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- New Delhi, India
Really looking forward to this one. Start it soon guys I'm dying to play 

Roles - The Mafia Game WikiGuide - Wiki on Neoseeker
Right. That is a very good guide of the most commonly used Mafia roles. Only some of them will be included, all won't or maybe they will - who knows =O you'll have to deduce that.
Note: The miller role is a good roleclaim when you're mafia-aligned if you come up as mafia after being investigated. If you're convincing enough, people will believe you. However, it's unlikely that there'll be two millers in a game (it's quite possible though, but more than 2 is a no-no), so if there's a miller in the game already, and you claim miller, the real miller can easily prove that he's the miller and you're not, even without role-claiming.
Another good claim if you're Mafia aligned is the Bomb role. However if there's an actual bomb, you'll be found out.
Do try and match your roleclaims with your character claims.
The way to win Mafia is easy - be convincing, look like you're always on top of things and use your role, if you have one, wisely.
Another thing that must be thought about is the first day lynch. So you don't have any leads/clues to who is Mafia right? So why lynch? You can have a no lynch and therefore eliminate the chance of losing a townie, or you could take the risk and vote out someone, hoping they'd be Mafia, but that would only have a 25-35% success rate. Again, it's up to you to make a decision.
Also, when you're the cop or the doc, try not to role reveal so easily. hMarka and MaD revealed too early in the last game. This game will have a rule that you need a limited amount of votes on you before you can role reveal. If you've investigated that someone is Mafia as a cop, don't just role reveal it, announce it in the thread and try and gain everyone's trust - a good player will know how to do that. If your lynch goes right...people will realise you're probably the cop. A good doc will notice that too and protect you that night, and good townie players won't announce that they suspect you're the cop, because that would only help the Mafia.
Hope you guys get the grasp of it through this game. I'm working on the roles at the moment, trying to balance it well. Still accepting sign-ups. Until I finish writing the roles, sign-ups will be accepted. After that, you may join if you wish, and be added to a replacement list to replace inactive players.
Ollie_H was Kevin Pietersen, Actually South African, Team Cricket-aligned.
Tom just cannot behave himself anywhere.He glanced over at Highlander999 who was clearly drunk