Cricket Reads!

Hmmm.. I cant find Michael Slaters autobiography online anywhere, anyone any ideas? Help would be appreciated! :)

JamesyJames3 said:
Hmmm.. I cant find Michael Slaters autobiography online anywhere, anyone any ideas? Help would be appreciated! :)

Had a look around but cant find any UK suppliers, info on the book can be found at the Random House Website (Australia), its quite a new book, so perhaps not released in UK yet.

Follow this link for info
Read a fantastic book - Cricket and Race. I will find out the author.
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here are the books i've read: btw, they are the titles.
Sachin-by Gulu something.
Sourav-same author
Rahul Dravid-can't remember the author! :p
Kapil Dev Straight from the Heart-Kapil Dev
Sunny Days-Sunil Gavaskar.
Ive also read a sehwag one, i can't remember the title although it is by that Gulu guy.

Im looking forward to reading more, the Power of Passion, ect. I also heard 22 yards to freedome was a good one, about Indian cricket.

I also hope to read some international players books in the future.

Lol iin one of the books, sunny days or the Kapil Dev one, India needed 600 odd on the last day to win with 2 wickets in hand. Guess what one crazy cricket fan did?? He stole the stumps! :p Hilarious, memrobal reads, all of them, and very in detail.
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Pundits in Pakistan, great book by Rahul something, great observation not just of the Indo-Pak series but of travelling through Pakistan as well.

JamesyJames3 said:
Hmmm.. I cant find Michael Slaters autobiography online anywhere, anyone any ideas? Help would be appreciated! :)


That books great. Buy it :D . Cheap :p
Michael Vaughan's book will be interesting when I manage to read it! I'm reading The Worst of Cricket atm, which is about the worst injuries, scandals, fights, dismissals etc.
Hows Out of My Comfort Zone by Steve Waugh ?

Think I'll be getting my hands on it tommorrow ...
I'm reading Phil Tufnell's A to Z of Cricket at the moment, I found it in a bookshop a few years ago and I've read bits of it now and again, but as I've finished with the latest The Wisen Cricketer I decided to get it back off the shelf and it's very interesting. Phil Tufnell is very down to earth about things and is in no way the 'posh cricketer' that many stereotype.
steve waughs book is very interesting but im pretty sure that english isnt his specialty, and its pretty obvious that it was rushed to be released as there are many grammatical errors that even a monkey could pick up
Yeah, but seeing as he has a professional editor employed, that should still be picked up.
Recently I've read Peter Roebuck's 'It Takes All Sorts'- highly recommended, although it's not an autobiography, it basically explores the different characters and backgrounds of a wide variety of cricketers (not always necessarily the ones that made it to the top level) and the mental elements of their game.
Also, Ricky Ponting's Ashes Diary- it was alright- and Darren Gough's 'Dazzler'.
Good thread, by the way! :)
I would strongly recommend Sunil Gavaskar's (partial) autobiography Sunny Days. Its well written and concise; a very good account of cricket from 1971-75.
I've read "Being Freddie", nice read and good detail about the Ashes and about getting into the England team.
At the England v Sri Lanka Edgbastion test, I was lucky enough to get myself a signed copy of Bill Friendall's Autobiography, which is a really enjoyable book, I highly recommend it to any cricket fan.

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