Cricket Reads!

He can buy his own bloody copy! Not that it would do him any good. Lazy bugger.
Maybe we should club together and get Plunkett a copy :p

He can buy his own bloody copy! Not that it would do him any good. Lazy bugger.

Jokes aside, his number one 'enemy' it seems, is Matthew Hoggard. Although he is mentioned briefly in the book, Pont talks about straight lines, hips aligned and front foot open compared to the back which obviously, Hoggard does none of. In a book review of Fast Bowler's Bible, he reveals that he just has to fix Hoggard so to speak.
"Best of Bevan" and Darren Lehmans autobipgraphys are damn good!
But Ricky pontings 3 diarys beat them both!
I've never rad a cricketer's auto-biography but I'm sure Nasser Hussain would have a lot to say in his.
Well I'm reading Wally Hammonds autobiography :p.
I'm also reading Cricket Quotes by David Hopps which is pretty fun to read.
That was the intention.:p

Ian Pont's Fast Bowler's Bible is a fantastic coaching read for fast bowlers, it covers just about everything, including advanced biomechanics of the bowling action.

I whole heartedly endorse this book. Used correctly it can add a few mph to most people's bowling speed.

Then he is an arse

It's more that he feels that with a truer bio-mechanical action Hoggard would gain a few extra mph without losing his swing.
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If you haven't read any autobiographies then Hussain's is the best place to start; Compelling stuff.

Having finally got down to reading Penguins Stopped Play as recommended by the legendary Puddleduck (Come back Jeremy!!!) I can safely say that it's hilarious. Absolutely brilliant to read in small doses when taking a dump or having a bath.

How's Fatty Batter going Kev? Got down to the business end of it yet?
I've Read Penguins Stopped Play, tis a goodun. Whatever happen to PD?
Gonna get myself a copy of The Fast Bowlers bible. Wouldnt mind picking up some pace, my line and length improve amazingly on Thursday when i used the different seam position that AA reccomended, with my thumb on the bottom of the seam as opposed to on the side like it was before. I feel that will help my pace a little also as the ball wont be scewing out of my hand, definetly will improve my accuracy. Once i have my run up and improved also i reckon i could be quite a decent bowler. I swing the ball and if i can improve my pace and get my line and length better i will take quite a few wickets this season.
Andrew Flintoffs autobiography is pretty good, i read it a while back!
Best book ive read is the un-official shane warne biography, now i wish i knew who wrote it but i got it from the library. It is pretty much his auto-biography but with someones personal views which echo mine.

A book i know of, and the second best ive read is the Kevin Pietersen one which is also on par with the Fred one.

I shall be purchasing, or hiring from the library the pengiun one, i'd like to see what all the fuss is about.
You do know that there are other cricketers other than Aussies? ;)

Lol yes but i really only see the Aussies Autobiographys around.
And Besides as soon as i read Punters first diary i wanted more so i am always going to get his.
I have read a Viv Richards one :rolleyes:
Paul Barry, Simon.

And I highly doubt that Kevin Pietersen wrote much of his. It's a hollow and uninspiring book in my opinion. Freddie's is good, but it still carries a sense of Ashes cash-in about it just like Strauss' and Pietersen's.

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