redownload v290 please to fix an error with edges (there is no deviation at all)
actually i thought that dbc17 would have been released on pc by now, so last month i was just debugging the code. Yes everything is gonna be automatic, my dream is
a "cricket captain" with dbc engine.
About the strength hack, what i'm doing for now is just change the speed of the ball.
About setting the strength in the academy, it looks that the value is used mostly when bowling, so i'm not sure on what
would be the results. If you give max strength to Chris Gayle, i think it will bowl 150mph deliveries. I'll try to check these
things soon.
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So I was just playing an ODI with the FearsomeTweak v290 and well the picture speaks for itself lol it must be said that the 4 runs were scored in the first over where I didn't use any tweak and the extras were in the second over from a wide and no ball. What was happening was the batsman would defend a lot but then when they would play a stroke the ball would just drop at their feet. I ticked all the boxes except for the camera stuff initially but left all the values at the default but I moved the slider to attack then I unticked change batsman skill, I don't know if this had any impact.
It was on veteran difficulty too. So what values should I set them at and what should I turn on and keep off?
Hey ya! Please keep on updating the titlei have uploaded a new version (2.90), it uses the old slow loader so should work for everyone (until the new fast loader is ready).
INSTRUCTIONS: run the hack and the game AS ADMINISTRATORS, when you are in the menu
of dbc, press START on the hack program.
The main difference is just the new strength hack that works well (with a visible effect everytime).
I have removed the "exagerated" edge physics because sometimes the effect was not realistic, the new version will have some more
edge variety.
A minigame that sounds awesome will try later tonight.uploaded a minigame that i am using to test some functions. The batsman will play
the shot that you select (currently only advance defence). It's fun to try with spin
bowling. It doenst increase the chance to take a wicket, so every wicket will be
a "genuine" dbc 14 wicket (they look very good).
I'll try to add other shots this evening, or tomorrow.
Having a play with v.29 on legend. England dominating against me with the bat, but then Root gets a thin edge from a beautiful Irfan away swinger. I absolutely adore this mod!
Looking forward to giving this mini game update a go thanks Franco