Staff Member
Fantasy Cricket Team
Kings XI
PlanetCricket Award Winner
You should ask CK what I would have done in this situation.
Do tell, I envisioned various scenarios but none were matching with me being insane. The moment I decided to go insane route, I had very little options left.
If I am right in assuming asprin is mafia his game has ended unless the other two make a big mistake.
Yash has to investigate me and he gets town and he will know that he is naive and parth was sane and he already investigated me and got town.
Parth has to investigate asprin and he will get mafia
So my statement that mafia has a very tough choice ahead will be true.
So if I was in the same spot as asprin i would have killed me and lose instead of letting me win if I take my rivalry serious now don't suggest this to asprin