Does anyone else feel like every time it hurts their want to play the game?

Quite confident. I took a few overs out of the game where I stopped playing seriously and just tested the stick position and corresponding shot.

There are still many deadzones and an extreme sensitivity between say a cover drive and a weird back away cut shot.

And a few times my player ended up playing a late cut when I was trying to hit a fine leg glance
I Cant Play leg glance anonymous Support group.

Members of the society please try using lesser difficulties for batting or use custom difficulty.

For custom difficulty

set everything to 45 -40
ball marker to your convenience.

shot force to 65 tone down from there till you feel right.

honestly give time please to the game, dont make it dumb. 12o clock 6 oclock footwork yay im VIV kind of game.

you can easily play long innings either defensive or aggressive.
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Does footwork have smaller increments? In 14 and 17 I'd just used 12 or 6 o'clock to anything remotely straight, only using 45 degree diagonals for stuff that would pretty much be called a wide on either side.

If small differences in footwork are responsible for how proficient you can be in batting, then there needs to be guidance and feedback in the game to illustrate this, otherwise we're only dealing with conjecture.
Have you even played the game recently or you are doing your usual crusader business of i opinion for others opinion.

I do agree you need better feedback system, but its still to be used as guidance not be all and end all.

its not difficult just play around logically you can get a hang of it in a few hours. simply there is only one rule get close to the line of the ball that should be the goal of the footwork.

there is no conjuncture anyone who played the game even a bit would know that footwork differences matter now.

Does footwork have smaller increments? In 14 and 17 I'd just used 12 or 6 o'clock to anything remotely straight, only using 45 degree diagonals for stuff that would pretty much be called a wide on either side.

If small differences in footwork are responsible for how proficient you can be in batting, then there needs to be guidance and feedback in the game to illustrate this, otherwise we're only dealing with conjecture.

It does seem to be there. E.g., I can go LS 12'0 clock for straight deliveries or just slightly outside off. For deliveries little wide of off I go with LS at 1'0 clock and deliveries which are way outside off I go with LS at 2'0 clock and it does seem to make a difference. The gripe I have is similar to what you mention, i.e. there is no clear way to figure the batting system out either via Training/Tutorial mode where the game walks you through the intricacies and neither does the feedback system provide valuable inputs.

TBH I would revamp the batting feedback system with a simple mechanism which shows your timing along with your LS & RS position when you played the shot. This way you can figure out the exact position of your footwork and figure out where you went wrong or what you did right and it will help you in the future. As an example I can't seem to figure out how to play backfoot leg glance with accuracy. Sometimes I manage to play the glance shot but many times the weird hook shot to fine leg is triggered to a similat line & length delivery at the same height (chest level). If i could see the position of my LS & RS on the screen as part of the feedback along with the timing I would know what's going wrong or right and adjust accordingly moving forward.

@BigAntStudios , @MattW , @HBK619 was wondering if such a feedback mechanism can be incorporated as it will be extremely useful in helping with the learning curve and providing the feedback which can be used to improve. This way whenever you nail a shot down (say on drive to widish mid on) you can take a look at the feedback system, see the position of LS & RS and know what needs to be done in the future to play a similar shot. Same with when you get dismissed as the position of your LS & RS along with timing will give you much more valuable information to improve instead of seeing 'Ideal', 'Good' or 'Bad'.
It is conjecture... We don't know whether differences in the quality of shots are are from LS position or from differences in timing. Any conclusion drawn right now could easily be confirmation bias or a placebo.

Whenever I try doing much other than 12-6 with footwork, the frequency of strange stuff like being bowled behind the legs or playing entirely down the wrong line increases substantially.

In-game feedback, or at least an explanation of the game mechanics from people who know for definite (e.g. BA guys) is needed or else we are just speculating.
It is conjecture... We don't know whether differences in the quality of shots are are from LS position or from differences in timing. Any conclusion drawn right now could easily be confirmation bias or a placebo.

Whenever I try doing much other than 12-6 with footwork, the frequency of strange stuff like being bowled behind the legs or playing entirely down the wrong line increases substantially.

In-game feedback, or at least an explanation of the game mechanics from people who know for definite (e.g. BA guys) is needed or else we are just speculating.

That very well could be the case but the more I play the more it seems the footwork is more complex than simple 12'0 clock and 6'0 clock. But your post is exactly the reason i want the batting feedback system to be tweaked to show the position of LS & RS along with the timing so you know, without any element of doubt, the exact position of the sticks needed to play a particular shot or to avoid one.

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Sometimes I manage to play the glance shot but many times the weird hook shot to fine leg is triggered to a similat line & length delivery at the same height (chest level).

Play this shot as late as possible using both LS and RS 6 o clock (batting close & far camera). Plus the ball should be coming to your leg side. If you try to play it early, it will trigger that hook shot.

I have not yet tried this shot post patch 3 but atleast this was the case before patch 3 as it was my main scoring area due to the limitaion in shot selections.
3 year old DBC14 is infact DBC17:p. Wrong title by big ant studios. Now this guy gets it. :D
Seeing that pic from the manual from @grkrama, which does back up his point, I decided to have a read of the manual myself to see if I could clear up any more ambiguities... Came across this;


I wish this were true, but it's not...

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