Domestic cricket 06/07 in Australia

YAY Fox Sports showing the games. I think the only FC game they are showing is hte Pura Cup Final and i think channel 9 are showing some of the 20/20.

I am tipping NSW to win the New OD league this year. They are perfect in One Days and have some good players.

But for the Pura Cup, i will have to say the Bulls again. THey are a great FC team and have showed that making the final over the last couple of years.

WHen teams have all their high intl players it will be quite interesting to watch. Hussey at WA, Symonds at QLD, Lee at NSW it will be a great season!
Lol if the teams have their intl players back NSW would win more times than not. NSW bowling has been the problem in FC but add McGrath, Lee, Bracken, Clark and MacGill and you basically have the Aussie bowling lineup.
cricketmad09 said:

We have a pretty strong bowling line-up, with 3 very good paceman, in Lewis, Harwood and Denton. Also Wise is a good bowler, so he is handy back-up. And then we have Moss and White as 4th and 5th bowling options. Worked very nicely last season.

I think the weakness is in our batting. We have good players, who can score runs, but are often too inconsistent to do so.

Pilon should be keeper ahead of Crosthwaite. Better gloveman and much more competent with the bat.
Denton and Harwood are older, but not what I'd call experienced. For a comparison that people will appreciate, 22 year old Dan Cullen has more First Class experience than Shane Harwood. I'd say they're both first choice players right now, but they are no certainties, should other players produce the results. Allan Wise highlights exactly what I was talking about with the bowlers looking to stake claims. He's a bowler with decent talent and a pretty good record, but he would surely like to break into a more important role, rather than being, as you call it a "handy back-up."

White and Moss are handy, but not ideal. They're more like options 5 & 6.

Pilon as keeper isn't a development strategy. He's edging toward the end and certainly isn't a spectacular must-have player. The much younger Crosthwaite on the other hand is potentially much better at both keeping and batting. He'll make the biggest improvement by being the first choice keeper and that will in turn bring the reward for patience.
aussie1st said:
Anyone heard of John Hastings from NSW? Reading his profile looks like he could develop into an all rounder. Hes about McGrath's height and batting looks to be good in grade cricket.

More from grade cricket.
Aaron O'Brien 100 and 4-25
Moises Henriques 62 and 2-37
Doug Bollinger 3-49
Phil Jaques 49
Grant Lambert 147 and 2-58
why do you alway hype up all these players? :rolleyes: a few matches don't define a career nor a season.
James219 said:
What about that Nannes? He's not exactly the youngest prospect in the Victorian pool, but apparently he's decent pace-wise and could earn a few games here and there..

Forgot about him. I dont mind him. Aggresive, and has pace to burn. A bit wild, though. Old man has umpired him, reakons he aint bad.
angryangy said:
I didn't want to talk up the Vics too much, but they have a pretty potent squad. Cameron White, Brad Hodge and David Hussey will come from the English season in fine touch; 1190 runs @ 59.50, 505 runs @ 101 and 1143 runs @ 47.62 respectively. Nick Jewell, Michael Klinger and Lloyd Mash will return looking for bigger things after a season in which they all established themselves as first choice players. Mash's 505 @ 33.66 in his debut Pura season could have been quite impressive had he converted fifties into big scores, while Jewell was the fifth most prolific scorer in the Pura Cup with 827 @ 41.35. Klinger struggled for consistency in the Pura Cup, but was a top performer in the one dayers.

The weakness probably lies in the bowling stocks. Most of our pacemen are rather young and the title of best Victorian fast bowler is certainly up for grabs, with Lewis our only experienced fast bowler. This lack of experience could leave us dependent on Warne. Luckily, he ought to be available most of the season, barring the Ashes in December/January.
Are you serious? Our bowling is easily our strongest suit, our batting was poor last year but if guys like Klinger and Arnberger (or Mash) can start to put some decent partnerships on the board opening up then it will pave the way for guys like Hodgey and Hussey to score some big ones.

I'm tipping:
Pura Cup:
1. VIC
2. NSW
3. QLD
4. SA
5. WA
6. TAS

ING Cup:
1. SA
2. QLD
3. VIC
4. NSW
5. TAS
6. WA

cricketmad09 said:

We have a pretty strong bowling line-up, with 3 very good paceman, in Lewis, Harwood and Denton. Also Wise is a good bowler, so he is handy back-up. And then we have Moss and White as 4th and 5th bowling options. Worked very nicely last season.

I think the weakness is in our batting. We have good players, who can score runs, but are often too inconsistent to do so.

Pilon should be keeper ahead of Crosthwaite. Better gloveman and much more competent with the bat.
Pilon got delisted mate, not much chance of him getting ahead of Crossy now, but I think Crossy is easily the 2nd or 3rd best keeper in the country, minus his batting, but he has developed well at the CA Academy, and should be more mature for it this year. He was CA Academy's most consistent bastman in the tour of SAF
langerrox said:
why do you alway hype up all these players? :rolleyes: a few matches don't define a career nor a season.

Hype? I was just showing what they did. Is there a law against that? :rolleyes:
angryangy said:
White and Moss are handy, but not ideal. They're more like options 5 & 6.

Both Moss and White have better first class bowling averages than Dan Cullen...who has played test cricket for a bowler.
cricketmad09 said:
Both Moss and White have better first class bowling averages than Dan Cullen...who has played test cricket for a bowler.

Would you want either of them playing as a bowler alone for Aus though?
Moss too old, White can't turn it for peanuts.
Moss too old? 31? If he was in the Australian team he would be a "youngster"
cricketmad09 said:
Moss too old? 31? If he was in the Australian team he would be a "youngster"
pfft, like he'd make the aus team. Jon Moss is a joke !! agaisnt every team but WA for some strange reason :mad:
aussie1st said:
Would you want either of them playing as a bowler alone for Aus though?
Moss too old, White can't turn it for peanuts.
I don't have enough Vic pride to say that White is a good bowler. If he wasn't his own captain everywhere he went (lucky fellow that he is), his average would be much worse. Lehmann had Dan Cullen bowling massive spells, giving him stacks of responsibility, something that will help him in the long term, but also something White is smart enough to avoid doing to himself on the grounds that it might get him more call-ups.

And for the guys giving me a go for saying that batting is the strength for the Bushrangers, keep in mind that this season isn't the last season. (As if I didn't explain myself the first time) I take into account the fact that key batsmen have been scoring loads of runs and that several lesser batsmen were on the up after last season.

I choose to think the batting is better, because by comparison, the bowling stocks stagnated over the off season. I never said the bowlers were going to be awful, I said that they were probably weaker on paper. What was something effective last year merely seems to have gotten a little older and of course, Mick Lewis entered the record books for the wrong reasons. My method of thinking is that they shouldn't be able to maintain the status quo without improvement, the talent in several other states seems too great for complacency to be acceptable.
White's future is as a batsmen, I don't think he'll ever make it as a bowler. He batted well in County cricket. But that is no indication of how he'll go in the Pura Cup. Crosthwaite should be first choice ahead of Pilon, as aus5892 said Crosthwaite is the future and Pilon is pretty much the past now.
cricketmad09 said:
Moss too old? 31? If he was in the Australian team he would be a "youngster"

So you want anohter 30+ guy coming into the Aussie team? Plus the fact as a bowler making your debut at 31 is quite old for Aussie standards, batsmen on the other hand is different. Plus we may as well just bowl Martyn or Hussey if we needed medium pace.
aussie1st said:
So you want anohter 30+ guy coming into the Aussie team? Plus the fact as a bowler making your debut at 31 is quite old for Aussie standards, batsmen on the other hand is different. Plus we may as well just bowl Martyn or Hussey if we needed medium pace.
or cosgrove :D

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